Prank Call and Christmas of 1986

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It was the Christmas of 1986. It was pretty quiet in the house. I smelled the beautiful air of ginger bread cookies. My tongue watered at the thought of soft moist cookies in my mouth. This was making me go crazy. I needed some cookies stat.

"Mama? Donde esta las galletas?" (Where are the cookies?)

My mom didn't answer so I went downstairs myself. I wasn't about to let everyone eat all the food from me like last Christmas. I peered in the kitchen. I saw my sister munching on cookies.

"Diana did mama say you could eat those already?"

She stuffed them in her mouth before I even blinked. I put my hands on my hips and glared at her. She was always eating every thing these days.

"There you guys are"

Mama walks in the kitchen sweaty. She had been bustling around cleaning and cooking for our guest. My rich cousins were coming over and I was not excited to see them at all. She takes off her apron and lays it on the wooden rocking chair that's been here for many years.

"Mama how long have you've been cleaning?!"

She throws me an irritated look.

"I've been cleaning forever, and if I had some help from my two daughters I wouldn't be looking like a watery potato"

My sister glanced at me and I looked at my mother. We all laughed, and we all started to help clean up.

I loved cooking and cleaning. When I cleaned I sang. I sang all kinds of wonderful songs. I sang Michael's songs. Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. Every girl at my school or maybe even in the world wanted to marry him. He was just unique. Someday I wished to meet him.

Later on my family came over and it wasn't exactly pleasant.

"Is this your room Julia?"

My rich snobby cousin Selena circled around my room like some sort of bird like a vulture.

"Yes it is"

She looks over at her sister who's also throwing ugly looks around with an evil smile. They reminded me of the step sisters in the Cinderella movie.

"It looks even worse than when you were seven"

She says in a sarcastic tone and then comes over and pats me on the back.

"Keep trying"

"You two are so damn annoying sometimes"

I scoot away from her she puts her hand on her chest as if I'm insulting her.

"Listen Julia! We are a lot more experienced than you are when it comes to being cute or trying to decorate a simple room. This room is ugly as hell. The only thing nice in here are the sexy posters of Michael who you'll never get because he wants girls with that mulah!"

Her and her sister laugh hysterically. I just sit there hurt. They have always messed with me about my room or my clothes. We weren't poor it's just that they were so rich and ever since my dad died they blamed my mother. They think that since their marriage wasn't going well he died from stress. They pretended to love us but I know they don't

"Fine I don't care anyway"

I brush past them and I walk into the living room with the adults. My aunt and uncle were quite judgemental.

"Julia you should make sure you eat more"

I look at my aunt surprisingly. She just told me to eat more.

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