Chapter 11

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*A Week Later*

Sava's POV:

I woke up early like I always do and remembered that we have our first day off today. I decided to edit all of the footage that I have from last week for my video that I need to put up this week. It took me about two hours to edit my video. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:30am. The boys will probably be up soon, I thought. So I put my laptop on my bunk as the video was uploading and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. I opened the fridge and took out some bacon and eggs. Then I opened the bread to start making some toast. I made some scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. As the last two pieces of bread were in the toaster I walked to my bunk to check on my video. The video uploaded pretty quickly which is always a good thing when you're on tour. I closed my laptop and started to wake the guys. "Time to wake up guys!" I yelled "It's too early" Ashley whined "But I made my scrambled eggs" I said trying to lure them in. "Eggs?" Jinxx asked excitedly poking his head out of his bunk. "Yep with bacon and toast. Just the way you like it" I said smiling at him. "Yes!" Jinxx said pulling back his bunk curtain and jumping off of his bunk to run to the front lounge. "You guys better come get it now before Jinxx eats it all on you!" I yelled one last time before walking to the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a plate of a little bit of everything and brought it to our bus driver. "Morning Steve" I said handing him the plate with a smile. "Morning Sava, thank you" he said "You're welcome" I said before going back to the table where I had set up six plates, five mugs, and one glass. I also put three plates in the middle with the eggs, bacon, and toast. The rest of the guys started walking in and sitting down. As they sat down I brought around the fresh coffee that I just made then I put the milk and sugar on the table before I poured some orange juice in my glass. I finally sat down at the edge of the table and took a sip of my orange juice before getting my food. "Mmmm I miss your breakfasts." Jinxx said happily enjoying his eggs. "Wow this really good Sava" Ashley said and rest of the guys nodded their heads in agreement "Thanks guys" I said before eating some myself. We all just sat in comfortable silent while eating. Once everyone finished they put their dishes in the sink and I washed them. "Sava you don't have to do this. You already do a lot for us and at the merch table." Jake said as I started washing the dishes. "It's ok. I don't mind" I said. As I was putting the last dish away there was a knock on the door. "I got it!" I said closing the cupboard and rushing to the door. I opened the door and was automatically grabbed off of the bus by none other than Jayy Von Monroe himself. "You ready for today?" He asked excitedly as he put me down. "A little nervous but ready" I said smiling "Good. Now go get dressed and get the guys ready. Then meet us over by our bus over there." Jayy said pointing to the bus that wasn't that far from ours. "Ok. We'll be there in a few." I said. Then I waved bye to Jayy as I got back on the bus. "What was that about?" Jinxx asked "We're going to the amusement park with BOTDF and some other bands since its open to only us today. So go get ready because we're leaving in a few." I explained "Ok. You go get yourself ready and I'll get the guys." He said before walking to the back lounge to get the rest of the band while I went to my bunk to get my things and headed to the bathroom. I quickly changed into my black ripped shorts that go to my knee, my blue 'I'm Addicted to Music' Shirt with black writing, and my blue and black converse with some band bracelets. I put on some black eyeliner and I put my hair into two braids. I walked out of the bathroom and bumped into someone. "Sorry" I said now looking that it was CC. "No worries" he said as we locked eyes. "Hey guys I know you're having a moment right now, but I really have to pee" Ashley said tapping our shoulders. I blinked and walked to the front of the bus trying to hide the smile that was creeping up on my face. "Hey Savannah, I forgot to say that I think you look really pretty today." CC said walking up to me. "Really? Thanks CC. You don't look pretty bad yourself" I said smiling at him then he did a little twirl "Thanks" he said smiling "No problem" I said giggling. "Ready to go?!" Andy yelled "To The Amusement Park!!" we all screamed at the same time while running off the bus. We got to BOTDF's bus and saw three large vans waiting for us. Attila & Falling In Reverse in one van, Peirce The Veil & Sleeping With Sirens in another, and then the last van had Blood On The Dance Floor & Black Veil Brides in it. The drive only took 10minutes to get there. We pulled into the parking lot and as soon as we parked I literally almost jumped out of the van. I was bouncing up and down like a little kid. "Woah girl. Did you have a bowl of sugar for breakfast?" Kellin from SWS asked as he and the rest of the bands walked toward us. "Sorry I just haven't been to an amusement park in a while and I love going to them." I said calming down a little but I still had a huge smile on my face. "Hey Sava, Lineup?" Jinxx asked smirking. "Hell yea" I said putting my hand on the van and getting ready to race Jinxx. "What are you doing?" Fronz from Attila asked. "Racing. Want to join?" I asked him "I want to race!" Vic from PTV and Kellin yelled at the same time. "The more the merrier" I said smiling and Jinxx nodded in agreement. Now the race was between Jinxx, Chris from Attila, Kellin, Vic, Ryan, and I. Ronnie from FIR started us off "On your mark...Get set...GO!" he yelled and I bolted towards the entrance to the park. As I was running I heard CC and Andy cheering me on. "Come on Big Sis!!" I heard Andy yell at me "Yeah Savannah!! I Believe In You!!" I heard CC and as soon as I heard those words I felt my heart start to beat a bit faster and a new found energy went through me. I used this to push harder on the ground with every step which was making me go faster than I was. Now I was ahead of Jinxx, Ryan, Chris, and I just passed Vic. As I was catching up to Kellin I saw someone creeping up to us from the corner of my eye. Right as I passed Kellin the person creeping up closer passed me. "Jayy?" I questioned seeing him in front of me. He turned his head to wink at me before continuing ahead. When did he join the race? I thought. Anyway me being my competitive self I tried to pass Jayy but he touched the gate first putting me in second place. Third was Kellin, Fourth Vic, Fifth Chris, after came Ryan, and last Jinxx. "When did you join the race?" I asked Jayy trying to control my breathing. "Just now" he said smiling at his victory. "That was fun" Kellin said smiling and everyone else in the race nodded in agreement as the rest of the guys were walking up to us. "Congrats Jayy! Now pay up fellas" Dahvie said then Ronnie, Justin from SWS, Mike from PTV, Fronz, and CC gave him each five bucks. "You bet on us?!" Vic, Kellin, Jayy, and I yelled at them in unison. "Maybe" they said back. "Well this is mine" Jayy said taking the money from Dahvie "Hey" he whined giving Jayy a pouting face "I'm the one who did all the work" Jayy said to Dahvie "Ha! Serves you right for betting on us" I said before walking into the park with everyone else. As soon as we walked into the park everyone in our van decided on a meeting point and time for the end of the day. We decided on meeting at the fountain by the entrance and to do the fairest wheel together as our last ride before leaving. Then we all went our separate ways. My group was CC, Jayy, Dahvie and I. "So what do you guys want to do?" I asked "What about this one?" CC said pointing to the roller coaster next to us. We all nodded then ran to the line. Since the park was only open for just Warped Tour performers and staff the lines to everything weren't a long wait. After a few more rides and some games we decided to get something to eat. "Hi can I get a bottle of water please" I ordered "Is that all?" The girl behind the counter asked handing me the water. "Yes, thank you" I said and handed her the money for the drink. I walked over to where CC, Jayy, and Dahvie were sitting. "That's all you got?" Jayy questioned pointing to my drink as I sat down. "Yea I'm not hungry" I said and then at the worst time my stomach growls. "That's not what your stomach just said" Dahvie said giving me a concerned look. "Trust me guys I'm fine. I had a big breakfast this morning." I said smiling "No you didn't. I saw you eat only half a piece of toast and a little bit of eggs." CC said. Damnit I forgot CC saw what I ate this morning. "What's going Savannah?" Jayy asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I feel bad for lying to them because they are the three friends that I'm the closest to. I sighed "I just feel like I'm fat and need to lose some weight that's all" I said truthfully "Sava, you're anything but fat. You're actually very thin for your height" Jayy said giving me a side hug "Yeah plus I think you're beautiful no matter what size you are" CC said looking at me from across the table. I look up into his eyes to make sure he wasn't lying. "You think I'm beautiful?" I asked in shock. "Yeah, I do" he said blushing a little. Now it was my turn to blush. "Awe" I looked over to Dahvie and Jayy who was looking at CC and I as if we were in a romantic movie. "Way to ruin the moment guys" I said to them and CC laughed "Sorry" they said back and I just shook my head. "But seriously don't tell Jinxx. I don't want him to worry about me more then he already does." I said seriously "Ok but on one condition" Jayy said "What?" I asked "You have to try to get back to a balanced eating habit" Dahvie said seriously "Deal, I'll try" I said agreeing "Good here" CC said handing me half of his burger. I took it and started to eat it. "Now let's go have some more fun!" CC yelled once we were done eating. "Yeah!" we said standing up "I have an idea! Let's go to the haunted house" Jayy said evilly with an evil laugh. "Sounds like fun" CC said "Yes I love anything haunting!" Dahvie said excitedly "Come on let go" I said running towards the line. I hope Jayy's plan for CC and I work. I thought while running. When we got there we saw that you could either go by yourself or with one or more people with you. We decided on the second line. "I call Dahvie!" Jayy said grabbing his arm "I call Jayy!" Dahvie said stepping closer to Jayy. This left CC and I to go with each other and CC didn't seem to mind because he winked at me with a smile which was good. "Next!" the guy running the haunting house yelled then Dahvie and Jayy went first inside. A minute later we heard someone scream "Jayy you mother fucker!" we heard Dahvie yell at Jayy "Sorry I can't help it!" we heard Jayy laughing "What are we going to do with those two?" CC asked laughing at them and shaking his head. "I don't even know" I said also laughing.

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