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Introduction ---

Hi, my name is Danielle. I'm 17 years old and I go to Hollywood High School. I have long brown hair, brown eyes, I'm 5'2, yea I'm pretty short to be in high school, and I have a pretty great body. I live in California. I also have a fraternal twin named Lavone . I love her so much !!! We do everything together. Me and my sister live in our own house with our little sister Londan. She is 16 and we all go to the same school. She's a sophomore and me and Lavone are juniors. I Love being in the same school as my sisters.
Wassup y'all my name is Lavone. It's pronounced Lay-Vone, lol people never seem to get it right. I'm 17 years old I have a twin named Danielle. To say we're twins we look nothing alike. We're fraternal twins. I think that's what it's called. We have a younger sister named Londan. She's 16 and crazy as Hell. We live in a house by our selves. Our parents live in Atlanta but they come to visit whenever they can. They take care of all our bills and they send us money when we need it. I Love the fact that we live in our own house and can do Whatever we want but sometimes I just really miss my parents.
Hey, I'm Londan with an A. I'm 16 and I have two older sisters that are twins. They basically do everything around here. They Clean the house, make groceries, get me Whatever I want and need. I know my parents send them the money but they are the ones that have to put up with me everyday, not my parents. We live in a two story house with 5 bed rooms, 4 bathrooms, a huge living room, dining room, a big kitchen ,a basement, and a huge yard with an under ground pool. We all go to the same school and I even have choir with Lavone.
Now that you know Who the main characters are here's the story!
Lavone's POV::Monday morning
So it's only the second week of school and I'm already wishing it was summer again.
I woke up and wanted to go right back to sleep. I didn't wanna miss any days of school so I got up and went to the bathroom to take my shower. When I got out I went to see if Danielle and Londan were woke.
When I walked in Danielle's room she was sitting on the floor in the closet.
"Danielle what's wrong with you? "
"Oh nuthin I just can't find nuthin to wear. "
" All then damn clothes you got an you can't find nuthin to wear?"
"Nope. Nuthin at all"
"Go Get sumn out of my closet then"
"Okay Thank You!
She got up and walked in my room to find her somethin to wear.
I walked out her room then walked to Londan's. As soon as I walked in I heard the shower running so I went back to my room.
I still wasn't dressed for school. I went to my closet to find the outfit I had picked out for the day when I see Danielle walking out with it on. I grabbed her arm .
"Danielle I was gonna wear that today."
"Well you should have told me that before I put it on."
"If I would've known you where putting it on I would have told you!"
At that point I was mad because of her attitude.
"Damn it's not that serious Lavone I'll take it off! " she spat back with the worst attitude ever and anger in her eyes.
"That's cool with me!"
"Really Lavone really? "
"Yes really, you got that stank Axs attitude and you think Imma let you wear my clothes? Nope! "
"Ion wanna wear yo shit anyway! "
"Cool, Don't ! Take my shit off !"
" Nope it's too late Imma be late for school! "
" Fuck it is late let's go!"
With that we stopped arguing and went to get Londan so we could leave.
Danielle's POV::
Me and Lavone just argued over some clothes, she was about to wear. I know I was suppose to just take the clothes off, but she shouldn't have came at me like that ,like come on I'm not a little girl, but it's over with now and we are about to go get Londan so we can go to school.
We walked in Londan's room to find her getting ready for school.
"Come on Londan we are going to be late for school! "
"Don't rush me Danielle !"
"Well you need to come on we are going to be late and I don't have time to be hearing Mr. Armando's mouth!"
"Why are you worrying about me if we aren't even riding in the same car ! "
"Because I can and just hurry up girl ! "
"I'm finished ok."
"Ok y'all ready !"
Me and the girls left out the door. As Lavone locked the door I jumped in my Alexis Murphy, Lavone got in her silver 2015 camaro z28 and Londan got in her blue Volkswagen and we all drove off to school.
*Arriving at school*
I stepped out my car and walked to the school double doors I skipped breakfast and went to meet my friends in the hallway. I got to my lockers, Lavone, Dede, Corty, and Londan was there.
"Hi y'all !" I said as I hug Dede and corty then got my books out my locker.
"Hey" Dede and Corty , said at the same time .
"Did the bell ring yet?"
"No not yet." Lavone said as she looked at her iPhone
"So what are y'all talking about"
"We were just saying how there's going to be five new people coming to the school," Dede said
"Who are they"
"All we know is its four boys and one girl " Corty added
"When are they coming"
"Today ," Lavone said looking back at her phone
"What is so important on that damn phone that you got to keep looking at it so many times"
Lavone SnapBack from the attention she was giving the phone
" oh nothing" Lavone said looking at me
"Mhmmm"I said in disbelief
So what did y'all do- (GCO)
The bell rung cutting me off and everyone said their goodbyes and went to class.
Londan's POV::
Lavone and Danielle rushed me this morning so I couldn't curl my hair like I wanted. Instead I just put my hair in a messy bun.
When we made it to school we all went to talk to our friends until the bell rung for us to go to class.
When I arrived to class I noticed some girl standing beside Mrs.White (the teacher)
I guess she's the new girl everyone was talking about this morning.
I went to my seat and the tardy bell rung.
Mrs.White introduced the new girl.
"Good Morning class, we have a new student today "
"So she's only gonna be here for a day? " Abby said looking confused.
"No Abby Today is her first day starting at this school. She'll be going here from now on."
The class burst out laughing while Abby sunk in her seat from embarrassment.
"As I was saying, this is Tay Dawson. She came all the way from Louisiana and she will be attending this school from now on. Tay if you will, just find a seat and I'll get started on the lesson for today. "
She sat beside me and Mrs.White started class.
Tay's POV::
Wassuuupppp Y'all! I'm Tay an it's my first day of school. I just moved here and I'm lost as hell. I have No idea where I'm supposed to go from this class. I think I should ask for help but I don't know anyone at this school. Ugh I'll just ask this girl beside me.
"Ummm excuse me? "
"Hi, my name is Tay and I was wondering if you could help me find my classes? "
"Hey. My names Londan, I think I can show you around since it's your first day and all." She said with a smile on her face.
She seems really nice. Maybe she could be my first friend here. I hope so because I really need a friend right now.
The reason my parents and I had to move all the way to California from Louisiana is because the police are after my dad.
Every since I was about 6 my dad has been beating me. Every time he gets angry or is going through something he takes it out on me.
I'm an only child so I get everything I want but there's a price to pay for everything. I guess mine is to get beat.
I'm use to it now so it doesn't hurt too bad but it still hurts!
I'm excited that we moved from Louisiana because now I get to start fresh. With new friends and a new life. Maybe since my parents don't know anyone around here it'll be less stress on my dad which means less beatings for me.
I can't wait to see how this all works out!
Lavone's POV
Class started about 15 minutes ago and I'm so ready to go home!
I put my head down about to take a nap then I heard a knock at the door.
My head shot up trying to see who was at the door.
Four really cute boys walked in the room. Every girl in the room stared at them even me. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. They all looked at me and smiled which made me blush really hard.
The teacher didn't even introduce them, she just told them time find a seat.
They sat down and coincidentally sat next to me. I sat there quietly hoping one of them would say something to me but instead they whispered to each other.
I decided that I would say something to them because I hate it when people whisper around me,it makes me feel like their talking about me.
I really don't know what to say so I'll just introduce myself.
"Hi, my name is Lavone."
"Hi, my name is Jacob but they call me Princeton or Prince for short"
"Wassup? My name Chresanto , but they call me Roc Royal or Roc for short"
"Hey my name is Creg, but people call me Prod. It's short for prodigy.
"Why they call you Prodigy ?"
"Because I'm a dance prodigy. I can sing, dance, and rap. I'm just good!"
I giggled "Oh that's wassup. What's your name Mr. Two Braids?"
" Oh Well uhhh me, this guy right here, I'm Rayan but ever since I was a baby people been calling me Ray Ray or Ray."
"Well I didn't ask for the back story but thanks anyway. "
He chuckled " You are very welcome "
"So Lavone.......... Ummmm would you mind showing us around since we're new here? " Roc' said smiling at me while holding my hand.
"Sure, as long as you let my hand go." I giggled
" Oh my bad " He said slowly letting my hand go.
"It's cool. What class do y'all go to next? "
"I think we go to social studies next. Mr.Smith"
"Oh. I don't have that class next but my sister does."
"You got a sister?!" Ray asked in a surprised tone.
"Yea, I have two."
(⊙o⊙)?"They look like you? " They all asked in unison.
"Not really but one of them is my twin. "
"You got a twin? " Ray said
"Damn y'all ask a lot of questions but Yes I have a twin and No we are not identical. Anything else y'all wanna know? "
"One more question... What's up with the other sister? " Roc' asked
"Oh my lil sister Londan, she's 16 ."
"Oh Okay, how old are you? " Prince asked
"I thought y'all said No more questions? "
"No Roc' said that we didn't..." Prince said.
"Well if you have to know I'm 17"
"We 17 too! Well most of us anyway. " Prince said
"Who's not 17 ?"
"Me, I'm 16 but I'm real smart so I got to skip a grade." Ray said .
"If you're so smart why you act so crazy? "
"Smart people gotta have fun too! "
I laughed " I guess. "
"So you gone introduce us to your sisters after class? Ray asked
"Nope Nigga! "
" Damn."
"I'm just playing, Imma walk y'all to class and introduce y'all to her."
Mr.Perkins yelled at us to Stop talking and do our work but we all just laughed.
"I wish the bell just ring already! " As soon as I said that the bell rung for us to leave. I have great timing.
I got up headed for the door until I realized I had to show the boys to their next class. I turned around and they were sitting there at their seats looking at me.
"So y'all just gone sit there? "
"So you just gone leave us." Prince said causing them to laugh.
"Come on before we all be tardy for class."
They got up and we walked out into the hallway. Everyone was staring at us and most of the girls we're mugging me because Prince and Ray had their arms over my shoulder.
We made it to their class and I saw Danielle walking up. I called her name so that she would cone by us.
"Danielle come here. "
She walk up to me.
"What Lavone? "
"These are the new boys that everybody had been talking about. This is Roc', Ray, Princeton, and Prod."
They waved at her.
"Hey I'm Lavone's twin Danielle, y'all cute."
"Thanks you're not too bad yourself." Roc' said smiling at her.
"I'm not too bad? Boy please I'm probably the best looking girl you ever seen in your life."
"You Sure about that? "
"I'm positive! "
"Oooooooow somebody flirting. " Ray said pointing at Danielle and Roc'.
"Okay y'all can finish this in class or later at lunch cuz we all gone be late and we right in front of our classes. " I said trying to get them to shut up.
"Where is your class Lavone?' Prince asked.
"it's right there " I said pointing across the hall."I gotta go I'll catch up with y'all later Bye."
I went to my class an patiently waited for it to be over so I could see Prince.
Yes I said Prince! I just think he is so cute! I love his hair and the way he dresses. His voice is so sexy to me.
I wonder if he likes me back. I hope he does! I'll just wait for him to make the first move.
Danielle's POV::
Oooooooow Roc' is sooooooooo sexy!
I Don't think y'all understand how good Roc' looks.
We're all sitting here listening to Mr.Smith talk. He talked the whole entire class period. I fell asleep, woke back up and he was still talking. When is this gonna be over?
I put my head down and kept it down until the bell rung for us to go to lunch.
The boys and I walked in the cafeteria, got in line to get our lunch and took a seat at the table with Lavone,Corty,DeDe, Londan, and some girl I've never seen before.
Lavone introduced the boy to our friends and Londan introduced the new girl (Tay) to us. We talked and got to know each other better. We exchanged numbers. We made plans to meet up after school to hang out.
After we left lunch we all went to our classes looking forward to hanging out after school.

I hope y'all liked the first chapter!

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