Chapter 2:

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I had finally gotten to the top, and I seen her on the edge, crying.

"Mom, wait, no please don't do it. Come on please mommy." Tears streaming from my face.

"No I cant stand making everybody so unhappy, and I can't stand living without him." She stopped and was walking closer to the very point of the edge. "It's killing me inside, it hurts to much, I can't stand it anymore."

"Mommy please,"

"Allison, promise mommy you'll be a good girl, promise me you'll graduate school and go to college. Become successful. Have a family, be happy, make others happy, too."

"I promise mommy now please get down." I begged

"Goodbye Ally."

Then she faced forward as everything became slow motion and I was running towards her and as she jumped I grabbed her hand.

"Ally please if you love me you'll let go."

"But I do love you mommy, I can't let go."

Then she pushed her feet against the wall. I saw her falling. The look in her eyes looked like she was happy, but I wasn't everything in slow motion I saw her say 'I love you' and before I could say it back there was a truck coming.

I woke up all sweaty and scared, my mom is dead and I don't have her anymore. Tears streaming down my face, as I felt someone rocking me back and forth, saying soothing words.

I can't believe my mother is actually dead, and I was there to see it happen, all before my eyes.

"Allison, it's okay. It's over." I heard my sister's voice.

How can she say it's okay? She wasn't even the one who was there, not even the one who could have stopped it, not even the one who saw it happen.

"It's not okay, Ashley, you don't understand. Every night I have dreams about it, reminding me I could have stopped it all, reminding me of the words she spoke to me. Reminding me that she wanted to leave. Your not the one who saw her die. So of course it's going to be okay to you, but not to me."

"Ally wh-"

"Don't call me that. Don't you dare." I got up going go my dresser pulling out some clothes. Getting dressed.

"I'm sorry you went through that, but you knew what she was going through." I had just got done putting on my pants and my shirt when she that.

How dare she.

"She had a 13 year old kid at home who needed her, but you know what this is killing me more than its killing anyone." Tears still coming down my face.

I put on my shoes and ran down stairs seeing Mark, Selen, and their brother looking at me.

Great now they heard everything.

I looked at all three of them and stopped on Sarah. Now I wonder what she thinks.

I ran out of the house. I decided to take a walk, well more of a run. I didn't stop running. I just kept running and running and running. When I stopped I realized where I was. I was at the very roof where the worst day of my life happened. Also realizing is dark. Just like it was then.

I sat down not knowing what to do anymore. I'm scared. What if this was supposed to happen? Why did my legs bring me here? God I missed her so much. God why did you have to take her away from me?

I stood up thinking about jumping, getting really close to the edge. Then an image of my sister, Mark, Selen, their brother, me, and my sister holding a baby.

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