Switch: Everything Has Changed...

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~Real World~

~Wes's P.O.V~

I stand there looking down at my little brother and the fairly pretty girl standing a ways behind him. I thought, it was a little odd when father informed me Soul was living with his partner here in Death City. I was worried about Soul leaving home, but I thought he'd be alright, having his partner looking after him....

I wonder, if his partner is that girl... If it is, them living together is highly inappropriate in my opinion. He is a typical teenage boy and she looks to be your typical teenage girl.....

Isn't anyone worried about them possibly...... What if Soul ended up getting that girl.... Wait, I don't even know what that girl is to Soul yet. It's too early to assume things, and if Soul kept his manners and priorities, he wouldn't even attempt something like that.

I half smile looking at Soul. I finally understand when people say me and Soul look alike. The older Soul gets, the more he's starting to look like me. It's like looking at the younger version of myself. I chuckle to myself, it's actually a little creepy on how much we resemble each other.

The girl says my name shocked and with wide eyes. I smile back, I guess, Soul hasn't said nice things about me or he's probably made up some lie about me being dead or something. Knowing Soul, I'm sure he's made up some tragic lie....

"Why are you here," Soul asks bitterly not stepping out of the doorway, refusing to let me inside.

I smile back disappointed, I'll never know why Soul resents me so much. "I thought it was time, I came to see how you were doing," I say looking at him. He has gotten older and it's been about 3 years since I last saw him. Wow, time sure does fly by like nothing.

He never comes home for holidays or even so much as calls to just say, 'hello'. He's even a Death Scythe now... He's acquired the highest title a weapon can have. I wanted to come congratulate him and tell him how proud I am of him. He's growing up... He's not that little boy, who used to hide in my shadow anymore.

Soul huffs, "I'm fine, as you can see." He's still angry for whatever reason.... I really don't understand why Soul harbors ill feelings towards me....but I'm sure for whatever reason he does, it's a valid one. He was never the kind of person to show emotion without having a reason too.

The girl shoves Soul into the wall and opens the door wider smiling, "come in, Wes." I can't help but smile and slightly laugh, watching my little brother being squished and held back by the much smaller girl. I wonder who she is. Is she his girlfriend, friend, meister?

I walk inside and watch as Soul angrily tries pushing the girl off him. Surprisingly, she keeps him back before moving and making him fall to the floor. "Seriously," Soul yells annoyed glaring up at her from the floor after he catches himself.

The girl smirks looking down at him holding out her hand. "Seriously," she answers laughing and pulling Soul back up as he takes her hand. They're an odd pairing no matter what they are, I think watching them interact with each other. "Let's go into the living room," the girl says dragging Soul by his hand into the living room. I follow quietly behind them.

Soul stands beside the girl awkwardly and the girl rocks back and forth on her heels. I stare at Soul blankly. Is he going to introduce us? Me and the girl both exchange a glance before both staring at Soul.

Soul sighs and gestures to the girl, "she's Maka." He looks at the girl, "that's my older brother, Wes," he says gesturing to me.

Maka nods, "Soul's told me some nice things about you." She smiles looking from Soul to me.

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