The Beginning

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****Warning: Reading this may cause you to feel bipolar, extreme cases of momentary angry and/or sadness. May also give the reader a bad case of fanboy or fangirl (shipping) syndrome.****

Disclaimer :: The storyline is purely from my mind and Soul Eater or any of its characters do not belong to me.

This will ship a lot of pairings. SoMa, KidLiz, BlackStarXTsubaki, KidMa, and so on and so forth, but it won't be the main focus. This is pretty much a shipping tease for the fans; letting you explore almost all the pairings and letting you pick your favorites. Crona will start out he/she (Crona's gender is undefined) but then changes to a male. Other than that enjoy reading~


~Medusa's P.O.V~

"Eruka," I say through a laugh while looking at my newest creation in almost disbelief, "I've done it!" I hold the gigantic glass sphere gingerly in my palms. The sphere is just slightly bigger than both of my hands, so I hold it tightly against my chest to make sure it doesn't slip from my grasp.

"Ribbit. Done what, Lady Medusa," Eruka questions eyeing me from the other side of the room. She stares at me curiously as I clutch the sphere.

I ignore her question as I take in my accomplishment. I've finally completed it! Finally months and months of testing and experimenting, and it's done! I was starting to think it really was impossible to create.

"What's the ball thing for," Free questions pointing to the sphere, "is it for fetch?"

"No, you idiot," I say swatting his hands away from the sphere as he tries to touch it.

"It's all cloudy looking inside," Eruka says walking over to us, "what is it?"

"This," I say turning to face her with a grin,  "this will be getting us control of Death City."

Eruka and Free stare at me confused. Eruka tilts her head as she speaks, "what?"

I stare back at them annoyed, "this sphere isn't an ordinary ball of glass. It's a Twin-World sphere."

Eruka looks at me with wide eyes, "b-but Lady Medusa," she stammers, "that's forbidden! And you can't even control what happens inside the sphere!"

I smile, "I won't need to." I turn and walk to a wall as I continue with my explanation, "with everyone in chaos over Maka's disappearance, I'll be able to do what I please." I put the sphere in a special hidden compartment, inside the wall, for safe keeping. This will be fun. I just love toying with those brats. With Maka gone, they'll be in nothing but complete chaos and not have a clue how to fight back without her.

"B-But Lady Medusa," Eruka says stammering, "if the sphere breaks while Maka's inside, she'll be trapped forever.."

I slowly turn back to Eruka amused, "will she now?" I smile, speaking with a hiss, "I had no idea." This is even better than I had imagined. My plan could not get any better. Even with all the data I collected, I missed that piece of information. This has just gotten a lot easier, almost too easy.

~Maka's P.O.V~

"Soul," I call boredly from outside his bedroom door. "Get up, we're going to be late." I finish fastening the buttons on my white school uniform's jacket as I knock on his closed room door.

"Five more minutes, mom," Soul groans from inside.

"Now Soul, you're a Death Scythe, you have responsibilities," I say banging on the door harder.

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