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Another update yay! And it only took my five days of writer's block and panic attacks to dish it out.

Song - Clumsy - Fergie

People say that I forgive too easily. I think that hypothesis was proven when I fed Sherlock bits of my steaks during lunch the next day when I thought that Zen wasn't looking. Even though he nearly made me fall on my face the other day and soaked my pajamas with his weird smelling saliva, I couldn't still help but love him.

"Stop that you're going to spoil my dog." He scolded. I flipped him the bird petting Sherlock on the head "You're just jealous that he'll start loving me more."

"Nah my Sherlock is loyal aren't you buddy?" Zen cooed in a ridiculous baby voice as he poured his dog food into the feeding bowl for him. Sherlock sniffed at the canned delicacy, gave a longing eye to my steak then eventually dug into his meal as though he had no real choice in the matter.

"Humph, you'll see who's going to love you when Uncle Bear goes back to New York." Zen pouted while I shook my shoulders in laughter.

"I'll just drive off and adopt him then." I suggested.

"Your apartment building doesn't allow animals so fuck off." He said stubbornly stabbing his peas. Zen may get annoyed that Sherlock tends to play favorites most times but he still loves him with all his heart. He knows that his pet always come back to him at the end of the day.

I casually spooned some more mashed potatoes into my plate "So what's been going on in your life?"

He shrugged "Stuff you know about already. Business has been pretty good. Interesting as always."

Zen worked as an interior designer in San Francisco and had a pretty good rep already. He'd always had an eye out for decoration and design even while we were in high school. Most times he got made fun of since he was the only guy in Home Ec class who actually loved the work there. But my best friend had always been quite resilient and a pro at letting all types of insults slide right off him. I'd been the one to jerk up in anger to defend us every single time.

Although that rough and defensive nature of mine cooled well into adulthood.

"What about you?" He asked.

I sighed "Well it's good I guess. Nothing too exciting though."

I worked as a graphic designer for an advertising company. Basically I designed logos and made flyers and sometimes animations for commercials. It was a fun but somewhat boring job. It paid well but the most drama I ever encountered was my joystick not working.

The very bottom of mediocrity, Philip would say with a smile.

It was only after the divorce that I realized he wasn't always saying it fondly.

I didn't always want to be a graphic designer for an ad agency.

Growing up, there are always large visions and dreams you must have for yourself. An image of your future self that was projected in the present to guide you in the right path. My dream was to be a graphic novelist. As a kid it was all that I could dream about.

In my college years I dreamed of designing comic books and graphic novels. I used to post my work in online forums for unknown artists like me I stopped right after graduation and gave up my dream. The reason, I couldn't remember. Or I actually did. The short story was that life has a way of grounding you into position.

It might not be a position you like but fairness isn't placed into consideration.

"Do you and Doris still talk?" I asked trying for nonchalant. Zen paused with the fork to his mouth "Not really. Why?"

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