The One With the Nightmare

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It's dark. He can't see anything. Suddenly, a bright light and a voice. A voice speaking Russian. He can't make out the words, but they hurt. His brain fights against them and the effort makes him scream. Electrical pulses shock him, making his back arch off the cold metal table.

"STEVE!" he shouts. "STEVE!" He's relieved when Steve doesn't answer. That means they haven't gotten him yet. Still, he can't help but call him again, and again.




Suddenly, a bright light comes on and a voice fills his head. He can't make out the words, only that it's no longer Russian. Bucky opens his eyes, squinting against the light.

Steve is next to him, blond hair askew and blue eyes tired yet concerned. Bucky grabs his arm and pulls himself close to him, resting his head in his muscular chest.

Steve's steady breathing and strong arms help to steady Bucky himself. He pulls away briefly, surprised to find his eyes wet. He wipes them and looks at Steve once more.

"You wanna talk about it?" Steve asks in a gentle voice.

Bucky's eyes start to water again and he shakes his head. In a choked voice, he says, "It's enough just to have you here."

Steve pulls him into a hug, wrapping his strong arms around him once more. After a while he turns off the light and lays down, still clinging to Bucky, whose head is buried in Steve's shoulder.

"Bucky," Steve whispers into the dark.

"Mm hmm," Bucky hums in return.

"You know I love you, right?" he asks.

Bucky manages a faint smile. "Yeah," he replies finally. "I love you too."

Then, wrapped in the safe embrace of his boyfriend, Bucky finally, finally, falls asleep.

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