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"River!" A familiar voice yelled.

I was running through the woods, trying to find that voice. It kept getting farther and farther away.

"River!" It yelled again.

"Who are you!" I yelled back. No answer.

The forest was lighter than it had ever been. Which was odd. It felt different.

"River" The voice sounded closer now, not a yell anymore, just a whisper. I whipped around and there was nobody.

"Stop playing games" I said, clenching my fists.

"I'm not playing games princess" The voice chuckled.

I knew that voice now.
Nobody else ever called me princess but one person...


"Bellamy?" I yelled. I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement that I suddenly sprinted to where I thought the voice went.

"I'm right here River" He said. I spun around on my heels and there he was.

I almost didn't believe it. It felt as though I was looking at an angel.
There was a glow about him. He looked perfect, the first time I had ever seen him without any imperfections. No cuts, no bruises, no bloody gashes on him.
He looked brand new.

I didn't know what to do, I was too surprised and overwhelmed.

"Y-you're here" I stuttered. "You're alive" I said. Not even a second after the words left my mouth I engulfed him in a tight embrace, jumping on him. He seemed surprised but he hugged back.

"I've been looking for you" He whispered in my ear.

"I missed you so much" I said, hugging him tighter.

I almost cried. This whole time I thought he was dead. But of course he's not dead, I knew he'd never break his promise.

"Never leave me again" I warned him.
"I wouldn't dream of it" He said and put me back on the ground.

I planted my lips on his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we just stayed like this. I didn't need anything more.

When we pulled away he stared at me with a hesitant look.

"what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I love you" He smiled. I smiled back at him, bigger than I've ever smiled in my life.

"I love you too" I said. Then I heard a crunching of leaves behind me. It snapped me out of my trance and I whipped around to see what it was, but there was nothing there.

When I turned around to see Bellamy again... He was gone.

I shot up from my pillow. I couldn't breathe, sweat was dripping from my face I could feel it.

"River are you alright?" Ash asked in panic.

Reality hit me all too soon. It was just a dream. Bellamy was really gone. He wasn't coming back. At that moment I completely lost it. I broke down, I didn't care if Ash saw.

I curled into a small ball on the cot I was sharing with Ash and continued to cry. Ash put his hand on my arm, I guess trying to comfort me.

"It's okay River"

"No it's not Ashton!" I snapped back at him.
"He was my home" I whispered to myself. Now he's gone.

"You have to do something to take your mind off Bellamy. This isn't helping, you're going to drive yourself insane"

"Please come back to me" I whispered to myself again. So quiet Ash couldn't of heard me.
"Seriously River get up and go outside. Go hunt, go kill something if you need to. Let off some steam. If you don't let it out, it will stay bottled up"

I didn't say anything to him, I just got out of the bed and walked out. I didn't have my spear, Mount Weather stole it from me. I had nothing of mine left. They took my clothes, my spear, Bellamy.

I decided to go out of the camp anyway and let myself readjust. I walked down to the river and sat on the bank. Digging my hands into the dirt and picking out the rocks.

"You promised" I said through gritted teeth, then chucked a rock into the water. I couldn't explain the sadness and anger I felt at the same time. It was a confusing feeling. The worst feeling.

I continued to throw the rocks into the water. Not that it helped, it just took my mind off.

"I need my spear back" I said to myself. Maybe if I made myself my weapon of choice again then I would have a little more self power restored. Ever since I heard of Bellamy dying, I felt weaker. Which isn't a good thing for someone like me. I don't ever cry.

I got up and started heading back to the camp. They have things there to make weaponry with. I'll make myself a new spear.

"River" A voice wheezed. I turned around as fast as possible.

The body laying on the ground, filled me with rage.

"Anya?" I stepped closer to her. She looked terrible, like she had lost a fight with a mountain lion.

"Help me" She coughed.

"What on earth makes you think I would help you?" I spat.
"I did teach you everything you know, you remember?" I did, but I remained silent.

"Just help me up!" She yelled. I huffed and walked over to her. I held my arm out and helped her on her feet.

"You're welcome" I rolled my eyes and started walking away.

"I don't think so" I heard her say and before I knew what was going on, I felt a sharp pain in the side of my head and I was on the ground.

The last thing I saw was Anya smirking above me when everything went black.

Because of You // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now