Part 1

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From the bedside, Kakashi watched you sleep, your chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. He knelt beside the bed and held your cold, pale hand. Then, he gave it a gentle squeeze, causing your eyes to open. You turned your head to look at Kakashi and noticed the tantō on his back.

"Otouto? Are you going now?" you asked, tired, and blinked away the remaining sleep. He nodded.

"Yeah. I'm going to meet up with my team to do some sort of test by Minato-sensei," he replied. You smiled and forced your weak body to sit up, only to be pushed down again by your brother.

"Rest onee-san. You're not well," said Kakashi as he sent you a stern look. You sighed, hating the fact that you were born frail and sick. You caught diseases easily, so you had missed out on a lot of your academy days. However, that didn't stop you from becoming a kunoichi, much to Kakashi's dismay. Your sickness will never take away your determination to do what you've always wanted.

On the other hand, Kakashi is against the idea of you becoming a kunoichi. He resented the thought of losing you, his only family member left, in a battlefield. After the death of his father, Sakumo Hatake, Kakashi had sworn to protect you and ensure you remain with him for the rest of his life. He didn't want to be left alone, ever.

You protested, "But Kakashi-" He cut you off.

"Onee-san. Rest." He had made it sound rather threatening than demanding. A sigh slipped past your lips.

"Fine," you said, defeated. You laid your head back on the pillow, eyes closing. Kakashi smiled slightly and tugged his mask down. Then, he pressed his hand against your forehead, pushing your bangs up so he could plant a kiss on your temple, before he pulled his mask on again. You partially lifted your eyelids.

"Bye onee-san, I'll be home early." He turned around and was about to head for the door when you told him,

"Kakashi, don't ditch training because of me."

"You're more important." He smiled at you and disappeared.

You waited until you heard the faint sound of the front door shutting. Once you did, you carefully sat up on the bed and turned your body so you could place your feet on the wooden floor. Next, you heaved yourself off of the bed and staggered around a bit. You used the wall for support and leaned against it. You then made your way towards the door and grabbed your black yukata, red sash, and weapon pouch hanging on it. You wore them over your plain white dress. After that, you eyed yourself in the mirror only to discover that you have one hell of a bed head. Finding a brush, you took it and brushed your hair until the tangles have gone.


Kakashi ran to the training grounds and found Rin and Minato waiting for him. He looked around. Obito was nowhere to be found, he's probably coming in late again. Minato noticed Kakashi jogging towards them and smiled.

"It's unusual for you to be this late," he said once he was close, "What was holding you up?" Kakashi hesitated. He had never talked about his family to his team, and has never wanted to anyway. Talking about you will just bring up long, pointless conversations which he disliked. The silver-haired boy chose to lie.

"I was searching for my tantō this morning... I had forgotten where I'd put it," he mumbled audibly, loud enough for his sensei and female teammate to hear. The blonde chuckled.

"You should place your things in places where you could easily find them then."

"Hn." Kakashi averted his gaze to the side, expression unreadable as usual. Minato sweatdropped at his failed attempt to strike a conversation with his most composed and reserved student.

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