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Aera's POV

It's been around a year since everything died. I've already lost my family years ago, but just last year I lost my brother to a zombie. The zombie apocalypse did happen from a strange poison that came from Singapore. And it seemed like in one year the whole world was either hiding or a zombie. From popular tv shows to movies, some already were prepared. But for people like me who never had time to sit down and watch tv, I had no idea what to do. Truth be told, I'm only alive because of my best friend Chunja. She's been my best friend since childhood, but it seems like since the apocalypse we've been closer. Chunja is still trying to find her family after they got separated in seven months ago. Those are her parents and two younger siblings. She's really tough and strong unlike me, but she has a big heart for children. If we ever come across a kid as a zombie, I have to try and kill it.

Finding food is really hard. We found a truck last month with a lot of crackers, peanuts, and sunflower seeds. We carry those with us at all times. But finding meat is really tricky. Our bodies get really weak without our daily vitamins. Finding water is probably the easiest thing to look for. We live in Busan near the beach. Even though it's salt water we can still take little sips. But most of our drinking water comes from a near by creek. There we bath and drink water. Chunja set up wires near by if a walker comes therefore we can bath in peace.

This zombie apocalypse isn't like the ones you see on tv. Or that's what Chunja says. Like I said people were prepared. We've still got people around in our country. Mostly rich people who could afford private islands or expensive tall buildings. But for poor people like me and Chunja we survived by fighting and being smart.

"Are you ready?" Chunja asked as I looked one last time out this apartment complex we've been staying in. Today is the day we try and leave Busan. Once in awhile the tv will pop on and those rich people will speak. Saying Seoul is where most of the living stay. After a year in Busan we are finally going to try and leave. Chunja believes her family might be there, and I'm willing to go with her.

"I've got everything I need." I said following her out the apartment.

"Okay. If we down Gawon street we should find a highway. And if we keep walking down there we should be in Seoul within six days." Chunja said

"You make it sound so easy. Six days! That's a long time." I yelled. She quickly pinched my arm making me shut up. Before we walked out our complex I wrap my sword case around my shoulder. Me and Chunja don't use guns or any other weapons. We usually stay with swords and knives. I've got two in my pockets and a large sword I keep on my back. Chunja is the same but in her suit case she carries a axe, which kinda freaks me out.

"Okay. Let's go." Chunja said opening the door. The sun hit my face warming my entire body up. I pulled my sweater over my hands as we started walking. Six days of walking. Am I going to make it?

3 hours later

"Chunja my feet already feel like they are going to fall off." I complained. She was ahead of me but stopped when she heard me speak.

"You've got to be kidding me Aera. Don't you want a better life? A life with no worrying about where your next meal is coming from. Or where you can sleep. Or if a zombie might kill me. I know I do, so I'm trying everything in my power to get there. Yeah it's a long walk, but it's worth it." I could tell she was very annoying.

"I know I'm acting like a brat. I'm sorry." I said hugging her.

"You're not a brat. I understand, my feet are already killing me as well. But doesn't mean we can stop just yet. If we keep walk there should be a hotel complex a few miles up the road. If we get there by sundown we should be able to stay there for the night." She started walking again leaving me behind. I started running faster after her until I was standing by her side.

"Yeah. Okay just a few more miles. Wait! That's a few more hours! Chunja!" I snapped. She started laughing finding my complaints funny. Though I wasn't.

Another 3 hours later

I fell to the concrete ground. Before I could never lay in the middle of the highway. Yet now I'm lying in the middle of it. Not moving a inch.

"I'm done for. My legs feel like jelly. It's been six hours! Six hours I've been walking Chunja. I'm tired. The sun has took away every little energy I had in me." I barely spoke.

"I know. But I promise it's really only about ten minutes away. Just make it till there and we can maybe take a shower." Chunja said holding out her hand. I grabbed it standing back up. It hurts. But I can make it there. I'm not as strong as Chunja but I'm willing to make it with her. I can do this.

And Chunja was right. About ten minutes later we did find a hotel. We walked up to the fourth floor and found empty room.

"Bed!" I yelled jumping into the comfortable bed. Is it weird it looks perfectly fine. I looked around the motel room to see not a speck of dust on anything.

"Do you mind if I go take a shower first?" Chunja said opening her suit case.

"Of course. Go take a long hot shower. I'll probably take one tomorrow morning." I said. Once she walked into the bathroom and I heard the water running I quickly changed clothes. Once I changed out of my sweaty clothes into something new I walked out the motel room. I thought about seeing if I could find a snack machine or anything else. But once I saw nothing I started walking back to my room.

"No way." I quickly turned around and started looking for someone. But no one was near. I swear I heard someone talking. I quickly walked back to our room locking the door behind me.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Chunja said laughing.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Well then come on. We need some sleep before tomorrow." She said drying off her hair. I jumped into the bed beside her. Once my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep.

Anonymous POV

"How stupid can they be?" One said

"They aren't stupid if they need a place to stay. This is the only place that doesn't have any zombies." A second one said.

"What do we do with them?" I heard my friends ask each other.

"Let's just wait until tomorrow morning. They probably need the sleep." Our leader said.

"Why are they sleeping in the same bed when there is to beds?" The oldest said.

"They might be scared." Our leader said.

"Or they might be lovers. Some girl on girl-" I was cut off by a hit to the back of the head. I turned around to see our leader giving me the stink eye.

"We'll talk to them tomorrow. Let's get some sleep too." He said. Everyone started walking back to their rooms while I kept looking at them. Especially one of them stood out. A small brown hair girl. She looked so fragile and adorable.

"Hey." Our leader called back at me. I looked one last time at the tv screen before walking back to my room. It's kinda weird this motel has cameras in its room, but it lets us know if someone is here. Like them.

Ikr. Bad right?
I'm still knew at this, I've been reading some of my favorite authors on here and been taking notes. I promise I'll get better. But I'm writing this chapter and Summer will write the second. I'm still in high school so I've got classes and exams, but she has a little bit more of free time.

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