Here We Go Again

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Aera POV

I woke up to a kick to the stomach. I quickly jumped up to see a guy with a mask on. My first reaction was to kick him back but he dodged that. Instead he grabbed my ankle pulling me off the bed.

"Let go of me!" I screamed trying to kick him with my other leg.

"Aera just listen to them." I heard Chunja say. I turned my head to the right to see Chunja tied to a chair. Two guys with mask on were standing beside her. One was holding her shoulder while he looked at me.

"Who are you people!" I yelled back at the one guy still holding my ankle.

"Hey that's our line." The boy standing next to Chunja whined.

"Who are you?" The guy holding my ankle asked. I could see his jet black eyes through his mask. His eyes matched his hair, heart, and soul.

"I'm Aera. The girl you have tied to a chair is my best friend Chunja. We are traveling from Busan to Seoul." I replied. God why did I just tell him that. But then again he might kill us if we don't. If there is one thing I've learn from this whole apocalypse thing is you can't trust nobody.

"So why did you stop here." The other guy holding Chunja's shoulder asked.

"Because we've been walking for hours and needed some rest." Chunja explained.

"And a shower." The one holding my ankle said. My eyes bugged out as I looked at him.

"You could see us showering!" I screamed trying to kick him again.

"Does anyone have a tranquilizer so I can make this thing be quite and still?" He calmly asked.

"That's not very nice." I looked over to see two more guys walk through the door. One with a red mask on and the other had a white mask on. God, how many more are there? We can't fight off six guys.

"Jungkook let go of the poor girl's ankle. You look like a mad man." The guy with the white mask said. He leaned down towards me holding out his hand. Instead of taking it I crawled over to my left to stand up.

"We didn't mean to come off rude but I think you can understand why we took things like this to the extreme. We don't know who you guys are or what you could do to us." He said.

"This is your place?" Chunja asked.

"Yes. It's been for about two months now. You aren't the first people to sneak in here. Just last week we had a group of biker gangs. It was really hard getting them out." He explained.

"Then let us get our stuff and we'll leave." I snap.

"Okay then it's settle. For you girls sake I hope you got a good night sleep. Hoseok over there put four bottles of water in your bag and some medical supplies." The guy wearing the red mask said.

"Thank you." Chunja said.

"Thank you? Chunja you are tied to a freaking chair." I snapped.

"That's only because I tried to stab him in the neck with a knife." She calmly said. The guy holding her shoulder looked down at her with a evil look in his eye.

"So you can untie her Yoongi and let's give them some time to get their things." The one with the white mask said. I'm guessing the guy named Yoongi leaned down untying the rope around Chunja. After that they all left us in the room.

"What the hell did we get ourselves into!" I yelled in a whisper to Chunja.

"It doesn't matter how we got into it, but more like we need to get out. I'll start packing the bags if you keep a eye out the window. I don't want them coming back." Chunja said grabbing one of our bags. I did as she said peeping my head through the curtains. The only person I saw was the guy who held onto my ankle. He looked pretty tall compared to the rest of the guys but seemed to obey when the guy wearing the white mask said to let go of my ankle.

"Okay all pack." Chunja said throwing a bag towards me. I grabbed the bag throwing it over my shoulder.

"Let's get out of here and back on the road." Chunja said giving me a smile. Yeah! Goodbye nice air conditioning room, hello hot sun walking down the road. I sarcastically thought.

When we walked out the room we were met with three of the guys. One with a green mask, the one I'm guessing is Yoongi, and the other was the black eyed devil I believe was called Jungkook.

"Our boss said to give you this. There is one number in there. He said if you come into trouble call the number." The guy Yoongi said. Chunja took the black hand phone from his hands putting it in her pocket.

"Okay now leave." Jungkook said mostly pushing me. I tried not to kick him but just followed Chunja back onto the highway.

Here we go again back on our journey.


Not a long chapter I know but we are going get back to writing. I'm sorry for the wait. Hopefully this one was okay.

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