Chapter One

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                                                                             Chapter One

"Hey, Jen, can we rest for a little while, i need to drink" Hitch hiker George Jerald wiped his fore head. They had been walking for miles trying to find a road. Him and his wife Jennifer ahd no money, no car and no home here in Canada. They were hitch Hikers in England, their home country, as well, but they had a caravan there. They were on holiday in Canada but were mugged and had nothing but the clothes on their back and a few belongings in back packs.

A small cry came from the lake that Jennifer and George stopped to rest at. The couple looked at eachover and walked to wards the noise. What thay saw, was a small baby. Not even 3 months old, with only a blanket wrapped around his bottom half. George look horrified but his wife picked him up.      "The poor little mite" Jennifer stroked the hair on his head. He was crying as he nuzzled into Jennifers chest. They couldn't leave him there, so they carried him on there long journy home.

"We need a name for him George, we can't go on calling him baby." Jennifer was sat on a train. George had found a lift to the train station and paid for them. They had no idea how they were going to get the money for the flight home but at least they were on their way. A kind soul had given the baby some clothes.George wanted to give the baby to the care home but Jennifer wouldn't hear of it.   "We should call him Travis, after my grandad who died in the war." George said to Jennifer. She was going to say no, but she wanted her husband to be happy. After all, the baby was goinf to be theirs.

They got home to their little home in England alright. Some people took pity on the baby and paid for them. Travis hated the flight. He screamed and screamed, not wanting to be kept on Jennifer's lap. Eventually he fell asleep. He was okay on the way home, not minding what car they journied in to get back to The Jeralds caravan. It was quite big, with two bedroom and a kitchen and lounge. There was a toilet in a shed a couple of minutes away. Travis was going to grow up here.

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