Chapter 6 - Annoying Max Senpai

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(Tim Tim's POV)
Agh this is driving me nuts!
I saw Max and Ross kiss last week and I'm not allowed to tell anyone.
Stupid Dog.
When are they going to tell everyone?
When will they tell the fans?
How long has this been going on?
Ugh!! To many questions, not enough answers.
Fine, I'll go GET my answers.

(Max's POV)

"Max, we need to talk. Now." Tim says, looking at me in the eyes.

"Fuck Off." I respond

"No. Come on."

"Uggghhh. Fine."

I get up and follow Tim to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed

"How long have you and Ross been a thing? When are you telling the fans? When are you telling them?" Tim asked, quickly.

I haven't thought of that. But me and Ross aren't official.

We kissed yes, but dammit Tim.

Why'd you have to make things so complicated? Now I'm even more confused.

"We aren't dating. It was one kiss, which you interrupted." I state, crossing my arms.

"Uggghhh. That isn't a satisfying answer." Tim pouts heading back to his desk.

I go back to editing, sighing as I sit down.

"Dammit Narwhal..." I whisper.

(Ross's POV)

I'm bored.. Hey, I don't have anything scheduled for about an hour.

Time to go annoy Max.

I grab my Vlog camera and walk over to Max's desk after doing my intro.

"Maaaxxxx." I say, poking him.

He ignores me and pretends to not notice me.

"Max Senpai.. Notice Me Senpaii." I I giggle, pulling Max's chair back a bit.

He raises one of his eyebrows, turning his head toward me.

I start to pull Max away from his desk until his I realise that his headphones are still plugged in.

He laughs, going back to his desk and continuing to edit.

So I take his hat and run.

He chases me and I run into the meeting room, no one else is in there.

He corners me, pushing me against the wall.

Dammit. I lost.

"Give me back my hat Sloth." He say, anger lighting on his voice.

"Nope. You'll have to get it back from me. I'm also not a sloth." I state, pointing the camera at him.

"Ross.." He warns.

I smile, and he leans in kissing me.

I kiss back, smiling into the kiss.

We pull away, and I realise that, 1. The camera probably just saw that, and 2. Adam is standing at the door way.

"H-Hey Adam!" I stutter, nervously glancing at Max.

"OMG MITHROSS I SHIP IT!! YASS MY OTP!!" He yells, dancing in a circle.

"Shhhhh!!" Me and Max say in unison.

"It's cool, I won't tell anybody. How long have you guys been a thing? Also have you seen my keys? I thought I left them in here." Adam asked, a look of curiosity on his face.

"Umm. We aren't official? I guess. And I saw your keys in the fridge next to a pack a red bull.." I tell him.

He face palms then walks away, thanking us and mumbling about something.

"So.." I giggle, looking at Max.

"I need to record a video.. So I'll see you later?" I laugh.

He nods and lets me go after kissing me once more.


They aren't very good at keeping this a secret are they? XD

I just like the idea of Sky shipping them.

Sorry if this was a short chapter and kinda just filler.

I need ideas for this.

Also, I seem to not be able to get a certain someone out of my head.. Totally worth it though.

XD ^•^

Please leave a comment telling me your opinion on this chapter!
Suggestions are definitely welcome!

Thanks for reading! ~ Izzerbear

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