Leave it all to Prussia

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I think I will make it a promise to update once a week, if I can.

Enjoy this chapter! Even though it is a bit short!

P.S - So sorry~, there won't be much about Den or Icey for a few chapters~!

~Sergeant Leaf


"Hm, he hasn't been around in a while, so unawesome by the way..."

The Prussian paced around the dim basement, in deep thought about the United States of America. 'Why would Denmark ask me so suddenly where America was? And where is that burger powerhouse anyway...?' He thought, shaking his head, making his white hair bounce in whatever direction he shook it.

It wasn't too long after thinking these things that he began to hear the distinct sound of classical piano playing starting up upstairs, and Prussia sighed in annoyance. He knew that chart, and exactly who was playing it. "Damn it all, he's ruining my awesome concentration." After a few minutes of the music, and cursing out Beethoven's existence several times, Prussia groaned, rubbing his temples as he trounced up the stairs. It was a common interruption that he usually didn't mind, and most of the time he actually joined in with his flute, but not it was just irritating. "Young Master!"

Nothing in all the world made Austria more at ease than time when he could play his grand piano after a long day of being the personification of Austria. It was a reminder that no matter how bad the day was, it would get better by the time the sun set. So engrossed was he in his playing, that he didn't hear the Prussian calling from downstairs until he was right behind him. "Young Master!!" Austria immediately stopped mid-song, randomly striking two chords that may have been a beginning to a piece by Chopin, and whirled around to face Prussia. His eyebrows scrunched together into a frown, irritated by both the use of the nickname and for the interruption. The Prussian had been living in his basement for quite some time now, after moving out of Germany's, Austria still didn't know why and nor did he really care. He was annoying. A nuisance. But he allowed him to stay simply because of his superb cleaning abilities.

"What is it now, Prussia?" The Austrian asked, sighing in annoyance. When would he ever get a break from him? He was beginning to think Prussia never would stop being a constant in his life, he didn't stop in the 1500's, the 1900's, and he didn't stop now.

"Wouldja stop that racket? I can't even hear myself think!"

"Wundern. What's got you all in a mood?" Austria asked.

"I'm not in a mood!" the Prussian exclaimed, flailing his hands into the air in denial. Austria huffed a humourless laugh, crossing his arms. "You must have a real problem if you're denying the obvious." He stood up, and pushed in the piano bench, before facing Prussia. "Now, what is on your mind?" He inquired, now placing his hands on his hips.

Prussia rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, cheeks slightly flushed. "I-it's not that I'm-"

"Prussia, I did not get up from my piano for something unimportant."

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