Chapter 12

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[Lucy's Pov]
"Lucy!" I heard someone yell my name. I turned around and saw Natsu, alone, running toward the two men and strike them with his bare fist. "Natsu!" I yelled in joy and relief. "H..How did you find me....?" I looked at him.
"Well there were some footprints I found while I was searching in the woods for you. Also I smelled your scent, that's why....oh Lucy I'm so glad I found you...." He embraced me tightly, but not too tight. He helped me cut off the ropes from me, and he helped me up.
As soon as we are about to escape, one of the men caught me by the arm and dragged me down to the ground. Unfortunately, I landed on my head, so did the guy that dragged me down from Natsu. My head began to bleed, but I was still conscious enough to get up and run. Natsu jumped down from the stairs to fight off the man behind me, and he then picked me up in bridal style and sprint to the exit door. We got out on time, gladly. We ended up in a waterfall, where the water was glistening like stars from the sky.
"Lucy, are you alright?!" Natsu spoke worriedly.
"Yea I'm fine, don't worry" I tried to reassure him, but it seemed he was worried about head, bleeding.

[Natsu's Pov]
I carried Lucy near a waterfall, far away from the kidnappers' layer. I was worried about her injuries, but ah tried to calm me down. I decided to use a handkerchief that I carry around and try to wipe the blood from her head, after I soak the handkerchief with water.
I couldn't help but blush as I see her chocolate, brown eyes, staring at me.
"Hey Natsu, are you sick?" Lucy asked with a worried expression.
"N..No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it" I gave her a nervous laugh.
She suddenly hold my hand. "Thank you.... for saving me.." Lucy said, looking down. "You're always there for me... You're a good....friend...."
I felt I was "friend zoned," but I know this is my only chance to confess my feelings. I can't hold it in any longer. I hope she understands, I hope she doesn't ignore me or avoid me after I say it.
"Hey Lucy... Can I tell you something...?"

[Lucy's Pov]
"Hey Lucy... Can I tell you something..?" Natsu spoke in a serious tone. I wonder what's wrong...
"Yea sure, go ahead.." I gave him a chance.
Suddenly, Natsu dragged me into an embrace. I could feel his body heat getting warm. I felt myself blush like a tomato when Natsu whispered in my ear. "Lucy....You light my've been my best friend for a long time...but I don't think I don't want to be in that border... I love you, Lucy...I really do.. You're The one.." And our lips touched.

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