Unbreakable Chain {WENT ON SURGERY}

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A typical Friday afternoon at the Hyuga compound, as usual Hinata Hyuga and Neji are having their mildly intense training, as would the young bachelor would have put it, as for the maiden she was exhausted, her arms are worn out and her legs ready to give up but her eyes white as pearl, that anyone can see she is determined.

In a split second Hinata charged at him going for an upper cut, but then faked it by attacking with her right leg. However, nothing can pass through the eyes of Neji he blocked her leg with his forearm looking for an opening. 

Hours of repeated combat with the Heiress, she could not win any fights. 

Defeated, she sighs. 

"Good work Hinata, you've improved." 

He took a towel of the wooden bench and wiped his face. 

"A-Arigato Neji-nii-san.."

"You need to do better.", with all seriousness in his face, he took his bag and left the training grounds. The young Heiress disheartened by her defeat sat down thinking what she could do better.

Meanwhile a new servant hurriedly trying to find the blue haired girl.

 "Hinata-sama where have you been?" she mutters, opening every room in the compound, she checks the library, kitchen and the garden but she found it empty. 

"The last place she would ever be in, is the training area." putting her fingers under her chin. 

"Aha! The training area," she quickly ran out of the corridor and went to the training area, where she could see the young maiden sitting down. She approached carefully.

"Hinata-sama" bowed her head, "your father would like to meet you-desu." 

'desu?!'  she thought to herself.

Hinata looked up and smiled, "Arigato.. ano.." her mouth formed an 'o', looking at the servant.\


Hinata stood up and nodded "Akane-chan."

The young servant blushed and raised her arm pointing at the main branch's house. "This way please."  

They then started their way to what would turn out to be an adventure for the Heiress. 


The servant slid the door letting Hinata step inside her father's room. There sat Hiashi Hyuga sipping on his jasmine tea. "Sit down." 

"Yes father." She quickly but properly sat down on the zabuton and bowed as a form of respect and to greet her father.

"What seems to be the problem father?" 

The elder sipped on his tea, his eyes showing no emotion. He put down the cup and interlaced his fingers.

"Hinata," he started "there seems to be a problem with the clan, Leaf village and the moon Village." 

"You will have to go on a mission." she nodded " A mission to solved this problem. For that to happen, you need to...." 

She listened but she could not speak, for the next words of her father are not what she expected.

Unbreakable Chain (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING!) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now