Chapter 02 - Its been years.

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"Far-fetched, Astrid

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"Far-fetched, Astrid." Mason clears out, eating his fries.

"What the fuck is far-fetched? Is is a word? A slang? Or.." I exclaimed frustratingly. Mason had told me these unknown british words of his (or maybe not) for telling me how the show tonight was far-fetched. He's making us giddy about his word charms and its killing me.

"Wait, i'm looking for it." Mac mumbled, checking on her phone as she squints her eyes of her phone's high brightness. Mason on the other hand is laughing at us. Enjoying how you make us so confused huh.

"I'm searching too. I'm getting you back, idiot." I scoffed, pulling out my phone and searching for it.

"Yeah, keep figuring." He snorts out. A few moments later, i finally found out what's the meaning of it.

"Its.." Mac breathed then paused.

"Incredible." We both say in unison as we sent Mason glares with evils.

"Dork." Mac laughs and threw napkins on his face as he made a face.

"Wait, there's like tons of terms and meanings here- oh what, for frog's sakes!" I sneered in, as my phone interrupts with a phone call.

"Oh wait, its Amanda." I whispered to myself as i silenced the both of them, picking the call up.

"Heyy." I spoke. 

Amanda's my best friend since five. Throughout these years, five years ago actually i stopped studying because of this career. School's cool, sometimes it sucks and i love learning but when i found out that Rexea and Gale discovered me('cause they're music producers and had been working on a Music Production) i knew i don't want to lose this chance. She got mad for two good weeks before accepting the fact that i had to leave her and my family since we only lived close. Sure the distance is awful but by the help of facing time or any other communicating stuff through different part of the world makes it better. However, that kind of stopped when i became big and more busy but i would never forget her.

"Oh my god, hi Astrid." She squeaks on the phone.

"You dweeb, i miss you! How are you?" I peered in, joining on her flow.

"I'm good, school's almost done! Can you believe that?" She screeched.

"Oh god, i'm so proud of you." 

"Thanks, your siblings are here to say hi." She said, and soon enough i hear muffling sounds like the phone is being passed. Screams and hellos were greeted by these dorks. What are they even doing at Amanda's house?

"Guys, what's going on?" I laughed.

"Hi Astrid!"

"Sister! We miss you!"

"How's the show tonight?"

Keithson and Ally screamed, my siblings being the same old idiots they are.

"Yo guys, i love you too!" I giggled, then soon later Amanda was on the phone.

"They can't talk for long like god they're loud." Amanda scolded.

"I know, i miss them so much. What are they doing at your condo by the way?" I asked.

"Oh they hang out and chill here a lot, don't worry i don't mind." She laughs.

"Anyway, that's not real reason why we called you." She added.

"What is it then?" 

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah! Just tell me already!" I exclaimed.

"We're going to visit you!" I was speechless for what i just heard. Now this is far-fetched.

"You're kidding." I laughed nervously, hoping they're not pulling a prank on me.

"No i'm not, i sent you a picture just seconds ago, monkey! You think five days is enough?" She snickered.

"What do you mean?! Of course! You guys are far-fetched." I laughed.

"Far what?"

"Its nothing, omg this is awesome! Hey, i need to hang up now sorry. When are you guys coming?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, love." She chuckles.

"Great! I'll pick you up at.." I paused.

"Five could do." She chuckles.

"Five got it, so see you tomorrow?" 

"Yep, sure do. Bye." With that, the call ended.

I cheered uncontrollably as i told Mac and Mason the good news. They were happy as well, its kind of their second time to meet them and i'm so excited.


With Mac and Mason there beside me along the way, i successfully finished my interviews with live on air radio and one with a normal one. Recently, i just finished my rehearsals. Although we'll be having a massive meeting after that, the both of them sneaked me out by the help of Mason coming with me and Mac, trying to cover us up. Unfortunately, it worked. 

They live in Thousand Oaks, our old home town and its kind of far from California, so we they set up a flight as Mason and I went to pick them up. Walking with our head down, we speed walk and making our way to the waiting are making sure a single soul would've never notice us. Once we're there, many people were gathering around to see their families or whatever as I spotted a blonde, a guy brunette and a girl brown head one. Holy shit its them! I tried not to freak out as I dragged Mason with me then they noticed us.

"Jesus, Astrid why-" Mason said as we're both attacked with bunch of hugs.

"Oh my god, this is real." I squealed, hugging them back. Mason hugged them back awkwardly as they pull out laughing.

"Ooh, who's the man?" Keith cheekily raised an eyebrow.

"This is Mason, my best friend." I introduced as Mason eaved at them.

"Oh, I know him! Hancher right?" Amanda asked, pointing him.

"Yes, it is." Mason smiled.

"Nice to meet you." They all exchanged gestures, greeting each other as they chat a little quite forgetting me here until I coughed behind.

"Anyways guys, its been years!" I shrieked.

"Horrible bloody years!" Ally, my sister rolls her eyes.

After that, our plan failed. Many fans had recognized us and I know for sure later we'll be seen out through the internet. I'm not nervous at all, I'm actually wondering on how will Rexea and Gale would react that I didn't attend the meeting. I only have 20 minutes more to follow up to the meeting as I reserved them hotel rooms for them to stay on to. It was only near by the arena and probably, we would be staying at my house I reckon.

I feel bad for leaving them though, but I'm running late. Gladly, Mason took some pictures with the fans to distract them as we made to the car successfully. When we dropped them to the massive hotel, its really fancy. We said our goodbyes and went to back to the arena. They still have more people to know..

When we get there, Gale bumped on us.

Oh no.

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