The Five Year Old Has A Tantrum

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I haven't uploaded in ages, I know I'm such a horrible person. But here you go! the next chapter. Also I may have broke my laptop so I lost my plan for the story and I am so lazy I cant be bothered to create a new one so I am just going to wing it.  Also my friend told me I should get a gastric band today because "I eat so much and logically should be fat". Sorry just though id share that random information with you. :)

Phil had been back for a week now so he was all settled in nicely. Three of you were having a blast and you and Dan were getting on better than ever. You still liked him. Nothing was going to change that. It was a fact. No amount of crushes and telling yourself otherwise was going to change it. Like the law of gravity, it’s just there, it can not be changed. Going on with life pretending everything was normal. Phil had no clue, naturally. He could never tell when you had a crush on someone but surely he would notice you falling for his best friend.

Right now it was early evening and you had just cooked several pizza ready for your livestream which you were about to start. Walking into the living room you could see Dan and Phil starting things off They signalled for you to come over.

“Say hello to the people of the internet Hannah.” They yelled in unison as if they had been practising.

“Hello internet.” I waved at the webcam, feeling slightly awkward. You certainly weren’t a natural behind the camera like the boys.

“So now that you two have met we can start!” Phil addressed the internet as if it were an actual person.

“Start what?” You were hesitant to commit to anything, you had seen their videos.  You knew how things often got a little…….out of control.

“Would you rather.” Phil responded as if it was a fact that everyone should already know.

“Harry Potter or Doctor Who?” Dan asked, seeing as the pair of you constantly talked about the things.

“I hate you! How am I meant to pick out of those.” He faked pouted acting all hurt and upset.

“Just pick one Hannah.” Phil pressed, he seemed eager to move on.

“No, I refuse!”

Phil groaned and moved on. The time flew by as you carried on like that. Each question got weirder and weirder and you ended up talking about things that made Phil squirm where he sat.

You started reading the comments that ran along the picture of you three. There were an awful lot mentioning the names Dannah and Phannah, were they shipping you? You must have been thinking out loud as boy boys leaned in either side of you and began to read. You were indeed being shipped with Dan Howell and your brother.

“Guys no, stop shipping them. They aren’t aloud to go out….ever!” Phil began to argue with crazy fangirls over the internet and you knew from the begging that there was no chance that he was going to win. When it comes to shipping, its life or death. He had been at it for ten minuets and was quite frankly fighting a losing battle. Fangirls 1, Phil Lester 0.

“Right I think that’s enough for today don’t you Hannah?” Dan interrupted the little feud and even though it was for the best you would have been happy to sit there all night and watch him, he looked incredibly adorable. All defensive and pouty, putting up his best fight. He could never have a proper argument with his fans, he was too devoted to them.

“Yeah, I think that would be for the best.” Dan was now trying to wrestle the laptop out of Phil’s hands and failing. Phil was still shouting protests as Dan said goodbye and turned the laptop off.

Huffing Phil got up and stomped off into the room he was staying in. Aww, the five year old was having a tantrum.

Now it was just you and Dan left in the room but this time it felt different. Feeling Dan’s eyes on you, you turned to face him. A moment or two passed as you were just starting into each others eyes. His beautiful brown ones boring into your own. Then, the thing you had been longing for happened, he kissed you. Slow and sweet, it was very hesitant. Both of your nerves were showing through into it. He pulled back and began to ramble.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry Hannah it’s just that the more Phil says I cant have you, the more I want you.” You knew where he was coming from but didn’t answer with words, instead simply kissing him on the forehead.

“Just no telling Phil, yet.”


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Tumblr- a-screen-cant-hold-me-back (I write Dan and Phil Imagines)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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