Chapter 2

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Sighing, but welcoming the normal atmosphere at the headquaters April entered the livingroom of the turtles. School was hard even with her grades and having Casey Jones on her side wasn't easy either. But she wondered how hard it must have been for you. Since you had the most problems with school and other students.
"Why does almost every girl need to be scary?" she mumbled when Casey entered the headquaters while she looked at her math book.
"You mean (name)?" he asked and sat himself next to April. "Well... She did the right thing. The guys needed someone to teach them a lesson. They probably won't stop, though."
"What are you talking about?" Raph looked up from one of his limited edition comics and lifted his absence eyebrow.
"About a girl in our year." Casey answered.
"(Name) actually is pretty lonely. She is mobbed because of her appearance and everything else. But... I dunno... She might look normal but her reflexes are too great to be human. Also, everything she sees for the first time in sports... She can copy it perfectly. I think she is a mutant. It just feels like she has something supernatrual." April started talking without even thinking what she actually said. Her thoughts blurted out. But Raphael and Casey were listening. And also Donnie came to the livingroom in that moment.
"But y'know mutants usually are either half human, half animal. Or they are fully animals or something. There never was something like a human with some supernatrual powers." Casey said and threw a small ball across the room just to hit Mikeys head. He was kinda frustrated and bored and hearing Mikey whine for something little never gets old.
"Well, that's not quite right." Donnie stated with a pensive look on his face. Raph and Casey sighed synchronous. That may be the start of a new, never-ending lecture.
"What do you mean by that, Donnie?" April asked tilting her head to the right. So Donnie started his lecture.
"We know for sure that touching mutagen turns you into something. It maybe a fish mutant, because the last thing you touched was when you've petted your fish before you contacted the mutagen. And we can obviously tell that the mutagen can turn animals into human-like mutants without touching a human-being before ever. It also happens that, when you've touched mutagen, your personality is the important thing. You can be something that rather reflects yourself than an animal."
"Well Mikey would be a garbage can then huh?" A big smirked formed on Raphaels face as he looked at his youngest brother, who immediately pouted at his comment.
"You would be something so terrible, you wouldn't ever be able to look or touch someone or something. Because you turn everything into ashes." Mikey said and poked his tongue out at Raph.
"What a nice way to get rid of you and your ugly face."
"Raphael, be nice to your brother." Splinter entered the living room and looked at the turtle with the red bandana.
"You never know when it's going to be the last encounter with someone. Would you wish that these were your last words?"
"No, sensei..." Raphael glared to the side and murmured quietly, while gritting his teeth.
"The same goes for you, Michelangelo." The sensei said before Mikey could comment anything to the lecture his brother got.
"Donnie, what do you want to tell?"
"What I want to explain is that maybe she is a mutant. Like she might have the reflexes of a snake or the mind of a dolphin and could be a mutant. We wouldn't be able to realize something like that." Donnie stated and grabbed his chin. With that in mind there could be lot more mutants in their enviroment. Yet is there a reason to panic although they never took advantage of their powers?
"Do you think this girl might be trouble April?" Leo asked who remaind quiet all the day. What seemed a little bit off. Where did he come from suddenly, Raphael asked himself.
"Uh... well..." The redhead thought about it for a second. She was insanely strong and so on, but that wouldn't  mean anything dangerous right?
"Well the only trouble she might give is brutally lecture to some assholes at our school." Casey blurted bluntly.
"Even so. Having that in mind, I still have an odd feeling around her." April said.
"Wait, what? Is she threatening you with something?!" Donnies overprotective side showed up, making everyone, except April and the Sensei, sigh and roll their eyes.
"That's not it. I mean... It's because of what you said. I don't think she is a mutant. I think there is more beyond of what we actually think to know." April sighed not knowing what she should say or think. 
"Well, considering you are never wrong with your apprehensions, we maybe should observe this girl to be sure that she doesn't have any bad intentions, right my sons?" The sensei announced while twirling his chin beard.
"Alright guys, keep your eyes open on that girl!" Leo said trying to be cool and herolike. It failed extremly.
"Wait, how does she look like?"

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