Chapter 3

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"How come we always look for someone or something when we don't even know how these things look like?" Raphael chuntered down at his brothers and their friends. He sat on the top of some water container, that were always on the roofs of New York City. The others sat on the edge of the roof and looked for you. It wasn't your actual neighbourhood. Well, they couldn't know where you lived, since you had nothing to do with either April or Casey. Yet the redhead had the feeling you might be here and something would happen at this place.

"This coming from you? Never thought that would happen. Aren't you the first one to enter the fray?" Leo stated with an eye roll. The guys snickered at the comment of their leader. Raph snarled. Fights were different than looking for someone. This was boring. And why should he wait, when the person right in front of him either provoked the fight or derserved it?
"They are different, dumbass", Raph answered. "Fights are fun, observing is not!"
April wagged her head. Short tempered and incapable to be patient. These were only a few words to explain the second oldest turtle. And the list goes on and on.

"Somethings going to happen soon, Raphael. You have to wait a little longer." April tried to appease him, but failed. He only calms down when he fights, so until that happened he was going to stay grumpy.
They waited a few minutes when April and the boys heard something in the distance.  It sounded like Raphael was growling again. This was louder than Raph was able to do and he looked confused himself, tough. The guys turned into the direction from where they assumed the noise came from. [Eye color] eyes glowed in the dark. They weren't on eye level with them, not even with Mikey. They were a bit lower, there were no whites in the eyeball and the space between the eyes was to large to be from a human - or anyone human-like. 

Looking closer at the figure in the shadow, it wasn't human. It was a wolf, with dark brown, almost black fur. The wolf's stance was threatening, it's ears flattened, the flews pulled back and a loud, deep growl left the muzzle of the wolf. The stance of the wolf changed again and it looked like it was ready to jump and attack. That was the moment the boys started moving too. They pulled out their weapons and jumped right at the wolf - with Raphael at the front. Yet the wolf was even faster then them and stepped aside.  Just at the right moment, because seconds later Raphael landed with his sais smashed into the ground, just where it stood before. The turtles and the wolf were moving so fast, April tried her hardest to follow their movements... but it was nearly impossible. While the boys used their weapons, with their sharp blades, the wolf didn't mind to either use it fangs or claws.

April had a strange feeling while she watched the fight. She then realized it wasn't a hunch, when she looked at the wolfs eyes again. More when she saw  the color of the glimmer, which seemed to be your eye color. 

"Guys! Stop! It's her! It's [your name]!" she yelled at the guys, but the Turtles didn't thought of stopping to attack or defend. Since you didn't stop either. But you were confused. Wasn't the girl April? The April, you saw at school? It definitely was, but what the bloody hell did she wanted with these freaks? But before you could think any futher, April screamed. It was a high-pitched screech, a terrifying sound in your over-sensitive ears. You growled, hissed and bristled with anger, not really capable of moving. The screech hurted so much, you thought your ears would start bleeding. The Turtles also struggled with Aprils screaming. It took both parties a few seconds, when April finally stopped screeching. But before anyone could say something, you struggled to your paws and jumped over to the opposite rooftop. Getting far away as fast as possible.

Startled the Turtles looked at April. Mikey was on the verge of crying, Raphael, Leo and Donnie rubbed their ears, hoping that way the pain would be over.

"Why did you do that?! You clearly overdid it this time!" Raph attacked April angrily. He didn't hit her, but that was enough for Donnie to step in. He was trying to calm Raph down. But he wanted to spare April from the green-eyeds anger.

"I.. I thought.. you know... well... uh It.. maybe it could've helped... As a wolf she might have had sensitive ears. And I was right with that... right?" April stuttered and looked at Donnie for help. And of course he was agreeing with her.

"You are right, April. It helped a lot. But I gotta agree with Raph too," Donnie said and grinned apologetically. "This time it was..." Donnie looked around, his lips parted, as if the word he ways looking for were on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't grasp them.

"A real pain in the ass maybe?" Raphael snarled and was already leaving the rooftop, when Donnie continued to talk to April and his other brothers followed.

"In a more polite way, but yes that seems to fit your screeching this time." Donnie patted Aprils shoulder, when she had a sad expression on her face. Eyes closed, face towards the ground and loose shoulders. 

"I know you only wanted to help and you did what you could. We are grateful for that, you know that," Donnie had a assuring smile on his lips and he accompanied  April home.


Oh MY FUVkin god it has been a while I AM sorrryy for that

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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