Homestuck dave and Tallea (art trade)

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My side of an art trade With Neon-the-Ghost-Fox who requested I draw her oc and Dave! So I tried to  copy the homestuck style and look and this is my result yeah the shadings kinda shitty but well I tried

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My side of an art trade With Neon-the-Ghost-Fox who requested I draw her oc and Dave! So I tried to  copy the homestuck style and look and this is my result yeah the shadings kinda shitty but well I tried. So behold these two on a stroll!

And as for her side I requested her draw Storyshift Chara cause I'm becoming storyshift trash now XD so yeah here's her spectacularly drawn results!

And as for her side I requested her draw Storyshift Chara cause I'm becoming storyshift trash now XD so yeah here's her spectacularly drawn results!

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Yeah enjoy!

Art book of art (art book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora