Artist/admin/me (ocs?)

104 12 5

Oh well look at this! I drew myself! And I look pretty much like this irl. So anyways guess I should tell you more about myself. I mean, where only almost onto the second book, its about time I share things about me XD

Name: Mar

Sex: Not identified- They or them, He or him

Age: 12 turning 13 in a few months

Traits: Well Im huge fandom trash as you know but even tho I seem loud and happy on the internet Im not like that irl. Im very quiet and I only crack jokes around my friends or when a jokes said to me. Also Im very calm, cool, and collective. Its extremely hard to get mad at me or stay mad at me to. Finally, I don't every take pride or anything in my own work. Seriously I cringe when I finish a drawing.

Eye color: ocean blue

Hair color: Brunette

height: 5'8 and still growing

(im very good at talking in riddles or kinda telling the truth while not telling the full truth. i dont like doing this but I do do it only if I need to)

- I act more like a boy then I do a girl

Art book of art (art book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora