Chapter 25 - Pizza Monster

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Things were weird on so many levels.

Luke was still not speaking to Nick, even after three days. It made Cat feel incredibly nervous and on edge, especially when she turned around and caught those fleeting looks on Nick's face, like somebody had grabbed a hold of his heart and mangled it so bad it could never be whole again. He was coming around for dinner, but he wasn't staying the night anymore, telling her he felt it best to give Luke a bit of space to deal with everything.

What was even weirder though was the fact that after years of not speaking to one another, Cat was now telling all of her problems to her sister – of all people – over lunch.

"So Nick is the boyfriend," Sara clarified, popping a fry into her mouth and chewing rather ungracefully.

"Yeah, he's the boyfriend," Cat nodded.

"And this James guy, he's the baby daddy?" Sara asked with a frown.

"Yes," Cat answered, her eyes narrowing angrily just thinking about him.

"Okay, and did you beat up the baby daddy yet for what he did or are you waiting for a special invitation?" Sara asked angrily. "I mean seriously, he hit your boyfriend when he had your kid in his arms? So Luke saw the whole thing then... Fuck, Cat, that's so messed up!"

"I haven't talked to James, I'm afraid of what I might say if I do... I've talked to Nick's mom about it though, she worked as a paralegal. She said it'd be best if I kept away from James completely, especially if I'm trying to get a restraining order against him," Cat sighed, running her fingers through her ponytail in frustration. "But trust me, it's crossed my mind," she added.

"If I were Nick I would've totally socked him right back, I wouldn't even have cared if there were people around," Sara huffed.

That was where Cat and Sara were different. While Sara had always been the more impulsive one of the two Logan sisters, Cat was the one that thought things through. She believed Nick made the best choice by not fighting back, especially with Luke right there seeing everything.

"I don't know, Nick's a lot bigger and I'm willing to bet he can punch harder too. He would've probably put the guy in the hospital," Cat smirked.

"I'm just imagining a blind guy kicking your ex's ass. Oh man, I'd pay big money to see that," Sara snorted.

After everything with Nick last week, her final in the middle of it all, and now Luke's frequent tantrums, Cat had to admit she barely gave her little sister any thought. She sent her a text the day of the whole James fiasco and Sara sent one back, but after that they barely exchanged two words. It came as a bit of a surprise to Sara when Cat invited her out to lunch today after pretty much being MIA for a week.

It felt so good to talk to Sara though; she'd forgotten how much fun they used to have and how easily they could talk to one another about stuff.

"So, um, I told mom that I've been in contact with you," Sara said after a moment.

Cat's stomach gave a little lurch of discomfort and her plastic fork stopped halfway to her mouth. She wanted to be angry at Sara for doing that, but when she spoke her voice came out more scared than anything else.

"What did she say?" she asked.

"She said—she uh—she said she'd like to see you," Sara murmured, looking down at her food a little guiltily. When she caught the death glare Cat sent her, she was quick to go on the defensive. "I was just trying to help! Joel and Derek would love to see you too, I'm sure! Did you know Derek is getting married this summer? It'd be cool if you could come, he'd want you to, and his fiancée is actually really nice, which is hilarious cause all of the girls he used to date were such bitches," she added in one big rush.

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