Chapter Thirty

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Solomon took a seat next to Daisy. Apparently Liam Sparks preferred to sit on the edge of his desk in front of Daisy rather than occupy his perfectly good high-back leather chair. Solomon concentrated on not grinding his teeth. Daisy was right about him charming women to get what he wanted, whether that was information or a workout in bed. If Liam was so enamored with Daisy's pretty strawberry blonde hair and pouty lips, then so be it. While he was busy lusting he might let his guard down and actually tell them something useful.

Liam smiled. "So what can I help you with?"

Solomon tugged a notebook and pen from his pocket. "We've been hired by Standard Life Insurance to look into the claim relating to the death of your client Stuart Bligh."

"Stuart?" Liam got to his feet, wandered behind his desk, and took his seat. He frowned and then smiled. "How rude of me. Would you like a coffee?" Before either of them could answer he hit the intercom button on his phone. "Mel, three coffees, please, darling."

Solomon pinned the man with a stare. "Mr. Sparks? We note that the insurance claim is paid to his estate. I was hoping you could tell us what happens to the money after that."

The man tapped his fingers on his desk. "I'd love to but client confidentiality and all that."

Daisy grabbed Solomon's arm and then leaned forward. "Liam, we're not here to stir up trouble, and no one is under suspicion. This is routine for such a large policy. Until the insurance company is happy the claim is valid they won't pay. Wouldn't it be best for the beneficiaries if we could sort it out and put the whole thing to bed?" She reached over and put her hand over his. "I know we're putting you in a difficult position, but if you could help we'd be very grateful."

The door opened, and Liam tugged his hand free. Solomon glanced at Melanie who stood in the doorway. "You didn't say how you wanted your coffee so I made a pot."

She crossed the room and placed the tray with three cups, a pot of coffee, jug of milk and bowl of sugar on the desk. Liam glanced up at her, and she smiled. Solomon noted their matching wedding rings and wondered if Daisy would pick up on their relationship. Funny, she didn't call herself Melanie Sparks. Although lots of women preferred to keep their own names, and why not? Changing your surname was a lot of hassle.

Melanie left them to it, and Daisy got busy playing mother. She didn't bother to ask Solomon how he wanted his coffee, you could hardly get black wrong, and she left Liam to add his own milk and sugar.

Solomon watched as Daisy took a sip from her cup before placing it on the edge of the desk. She smiled at Liam. "Cute kid."

Liam frowned and stopped stirring his coffee. "What?"

"When we came in I couldn't help but notice the photograph of your son on Melanie's desk. He looks a lot like you. Is he your first? I've only got the one son. I know if anything happened to him it would kill me."

Liam glanced at Solomon and then back at Daisy. "Is that a threat?"

Daisy laughed. "God, no. Why would I threaten you? And what could I possibly do? I can't even run in these boots, never mind catch someone and do them harm. I was just thinking out loud. That poor man's relatives must be desperate to put the whole horrible accident behind them. I mean having to deal with the fact someone you love burnt to death would be bad enough, without all the legal headaches and delays."

"Stuart didn't have any relatives. Well, that's not strictly true. He had a son, but he went missing years ago."

Solomon glanced at Daisy. She met his gaze, and he gave her a slight nod. He might have been planning to interrogate the guy, but it seemed Daisy's feminine charm was working for them.

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