Originator Pt. 7

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"Matthias, please don't! Do you even know what he is planning to do?" Cinder began to panic as the figure in front of them moved out into the moonlight and cocked his crossbow. 

Matthias's face was contorted with hatred, "I hate that name! And yes, I do know what he is doing, he is going to take control of realms, and I will be there to bring everyone down!" He nodded his head at the shadows and they circled closer in.

"Matthias, think about your wife and child! Pitch would use them against you! He--" Luna jumped and pulled on Cinder's shoulder.

It's not Matthias, She looked at Matthias and then back at Cinder, look at his eyes, they have black flakes in them!

"Damn, it Luna! Now I really have to kill you!" The impostor sneered, as he pulled on the trigger. The bow released the arrow with a snap sending straight into Cinder's shoulder. Cinder took a step back, in shock and looked down. The arrow stuck into his shoulder it was a metal arrow that had barbs poking out from the sides. It was painful, and was made to destroy gargoyles, it left cracks around the wound on his left shoulder, he very well knew that if he moved anymore the cracks would grow and he would fall to pieces. Luna screeched in horror and lunged at the impostor, ripping the crossbow out of his hands as he loaded it Luna wrapped her doll-like body around him, like a snake. She began to choke him as she ripped at his face.

"Luna! Move!" Cinder yelled as she moved her head she noted that a shadow had the crossbow and he had just released the trigger. It was like slow motion, she had thrown her hand up to block the arrow, but it went straight through and caught onto a thread. The speed of the arrow dragged her along with it, pinning her hand to a tree. Full of rage Cinder thrashed out at the shadow, ripping it in half as he pull the crossbow out of it's hands. Luna screamed as she watched Cinder's left arm break off from his body. He ripped the arrow out of his shoulder, causing the cracks to grow all the way to the center of his chest. Loading it he aimed the crossbow that the impostor that had just stood up. He fired, hitting the impostor straight into the heart. Staggering back the impostor whimpered and groaned in pain. 

"Don't stand there you fools, finish them," he yelled. Cinder quickly staggered to Luna and apologized to her before he ripped the arrow out of the tree and then out of her hand. She put both her hands on his shoulders propelling herself over him so that they stood back-to-back. 

Luna waited until the shadows got about three feet away from them before she pulled something out of her sides and threw them out in a fan like of motion. The shadows in front of her began to drip with green ooze that slowly and painfully killed them, she did it again this time putting a few in her mouth, they were sewing needles with a green tip, looking up Luna shot them out of her mouth at shadows that leaped other the others to get to them.

"Duck," Cinder called out, as he swung his foot around kicking the shadows in the head and cracking their skulls. Barely missing the top of Luna's head as she leaned back. Cinder staggered a bit before she grabbed his other hand, instead of helping him she threw him back and swung him around like a bat. Wide eyed and caught off guard he stiffened up and closed his eyes, but something wrapped around him. And ripped him out of her grasp, opening his eyes he looked up to see a big black monster that still had Matthias's face. With great force the impostor threw Cinder behind him as he stomped closer to Luna.

Cinder screamed out in pain when he hit the tree with a loud thud and crack. "Luna, run! Run, Luna!" The monster covered his view of Luna as she began to scream in pain, Cinder pushed himself up off the ground to only find out what broke this time, his lower back had a great crack and his wings were broken at the joint. In getting up he made it worse, with another cry and crackling sound he fell apart. Driven by her painful cries and his anger Cinder dragged himself to the monster.

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