Chris Miles

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Hope you guys noticed the new cover:)
It was made by:
Guys she is amazing you should totally check her awesome covers out:€


"Yes Eli?"

"Mommy? How did you and Dadda kiss?"

"You mean fall in love?"


"Be a good son for Mamma and sit down. I will tell you."


I was a fan of Chris Miles for his music.

I was never attracted to him physically.

I met him once before he was famous...

I was walking on 5th avenue in New York.

There was a big crowd and everyone was stressed going everywhere.

I was/am optimistic so I put on a smile.

I bumped into so many people said sorry yet they never answered back.

Then, I bumped into someone.

I was mad that they didn't pay attention to where they were going and never said sorry so I snapped and screamed at this person.


I look up to meet eyes with someone.

He was cute.

He smiled and I smiled back.

Before I could say anything, the crowd pushed me away and took me with them.

Since then I never forgot a single face!

Especially his!

Then one day, I saw him on instagram blowing up about him being at MAGCON.

I knew it was him and decided to buy those general admission tickets because I was poor as f**k.

Luckily, I was right on time as they were on sale!

I had to try to convince my mom to let me go by myself.

When she finally said yes, I knew that it was going the perfect day at MAGCON.

----67 days flew by----


Time to go MAGCON!

I had learned a little bit about Chris, and learned that he made music.

"Can't Catch Me" was an amazing song!

I took the car to go to the Brooklyn stop.

Arriving there, I was ambushed by a crowd screaming.


It makes me think of the first day I met Chris:)!

Maybe he is in the crowd?

Trying to get through everything, this girl was angry that I skipped in front of her.

"oh sorry! I didn't see!"

She rolled her eyes.

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