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I just pulled into Savannah's drive way. There was only two cars there. Savannah's and a black car. None of our friends owned a black car. The bushes started to shake. What the? Just then a bunny jumped out. Oh my god!!! That scared me. "Sorry to hear that." a voice said. I looked over to see Maryonnah leaning on the side of the house with a smirk plastered on her face. Did I just say that out loud. "Yes you did." Maryonnah said. "Oh I guess I did." I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. Maryonnah simply chuckled. Then I remembered. "Hey we should go inside." I said. "Yeah. Savannah is probably waiting." Maryonnah said back. I started walking up the stairs to Savannah's porch. I looked behind me. Maryonnah was sitting with that same bunny. He or she had dark brown fur and pure black eyes. The first color was the same color as Maryonnah's hair. That reminds me. We all agreed to bring our Bunny's. Yes we all had Bunny's. Why? Because we wanted to. I ran to my car. My bunny was sitting on his bunny bed. His name was (Bunny's name). He had (hair color) fur and pure black eyes. I picked him up. I looked at Maryonnah. She was holding her bunny. We then walked up the stairs. We knocked. Savannah opened the door. "Hey......" I said.

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