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Readers pov
"Why you gotta be so awkward?" Maryonnah asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders. Savannah chuckled. "Come on in guys." Savannah said letting us in.
"We should've walked in." Maryonnah said. "Yeah. We should have. I mean she is our best friend" I said. Maryonnah nodded walking in after Savannah. "By the way Jack and Mark are already here." Savannah said. We walked into the living room only to see Marks black, with two red stripes on his side bunny with black eyes run to the door. I look over to Jack. Who has his brown bunny with two neon green stripes on her sides.

Jack's bunny ran over to Maryonnah's bunny. "Sam. Come over here." Jack said calling his bunny over. You could hear his thick Irish accent flow. Maryonnah chuckled picking up her bunny, mystery. A bunny with yellow fur that looked golden hopped over. Savannah smiled. She crouched down and looked at the bunny. It's fur was the same color as the highlights in her hair.

I dropped my bunny (B/N)'s on the floor. I smiled as her/she hopped on the floor. As I looked at the door Marks bunny was still sitting at the door. The door slowly started to open. Cry and Morgan came through. I felt a ting of jealousy. I looked down at my feet. I looked up a little to see there two Bunny's come in. Cry's bunny was white with pure black eyes.

While Morgan's was a darkish lightish brown with black eyes that were almost brown. Marks bunny went to Morgans bunny fluffy. While my bunny went to Cry's bunny, smile. I thought that was funny because Cry's name was Cry. I looked up to see Cry looking at me. He ran over and hugged me.

I started to hug back enjoying his warmth. He let go of me and I looked at everyone. Jack and Maryonnah were sitting together with there Bunny's. Mark and Morgan. Me and Cry. But Savannah was standing by herself with her bunny rubbing against her leg. That was until the door was open to find Camron. Yes Camron Dallas. Savannah ran into his arms. Oh yeah. Camron's bunny was was bark brown. But his had black eyes with brown circling the outside.

The sat down. This was gonna be fun.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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