Chapter Twenty-Five

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Epilogue: Five Years Later
Ashtrid's POV:
I watch Olivia walk across stage and grab her Master's Degree. She's finally out of law school. I look down at our one-year-old son, Milan, and whisper, "Who's that?"

He looks up. "Mommy!" he yells over the sound of claps. Olivia looks toward us, and she gives us a beaming smile. She walks off stage and comes toward us.

She grabs Milan. "Hi, baby," she says. Olivia kisses my cheek. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course I came, princess" I say.

She smiles. "So, what do you want to do to celebrate?" she asks.

I shrug. "I don't know. What do want to do?"

"Well, we can go out to eat," she says.

"Of course," I butt in.

Live scowls. "Or we can go stop by our parents'."

I wrap an arm around her neck. "How about we just go on another road trip. Your mom promised to watch Milan," I say.

Olivia looks up at me. "Really?"

"Mhmm. I even brought out the old Mustang."

She rolls her eyes. "It's not old."

"To me it is," I reply. Olivia rolls her eyes and puts on a smile. I grin. "Is that a yes?" I ask.

Liv sighs, "Yes, it is a yes. Let's go on a road trip." Then, she looks at Milan. "But I don't think I can go a few weeks without this guy."

"Princess, he'll be with your mom. Come on, please? It'll be like a second honeymoon. The first was pretty crappy," I say.

"I was in law school," she says, opening the van door. She fastens Milan in then looks at me. "Okay, we'll go on another road trip. Let's hurry up and get back home. Our flight is in an hour."

I smile. California here we come.

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