Airport Celebrity

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“Sorry, sorry, excuse me!” you say as you run through the airport to gate 6.

“Your ticket please?” the flight hostess says.

You’re trying to catch your breath as you search through your sweater pockets for it. You quickly hand it over not wanting to delay the flight. “Have a safe flight ma’am,” you grab your ticket and head to the plane.

“Row 32 seat c is on your left,” another hostess points you to your seat.

When you get to your seat you see that there’s no one in the seats next to you. This is going to be a good flight you think to yourself. You pull out the over head locker and try to squeeze your bag into it It’s slightly too big but you try to push it in.

“Do you need any help?” you turn around expecting to find a flight attendant but instead it’s a familiar face.

You look at him for a moment before you realize that you’re staring. “Um, yes please,” you step to the side letting him help you.

You continue looking at him in a trance. He was at least 6ft tall, had strong arms, dirty blonde hair styled into a quiff and was wearing a pair of ray-ban like glasses. The closing of the locker snaps you out of your trance. “All done,” he smiles. “I’m Marcus by the way,” he puts his hand out.

You take it and shake his hand. “I’m Angel. You’re Marcus Butler right?”

He gives a slightly embarrassed laugh as he nods. “I’m guessing you watch my videos?”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats, we will be taking off very shortly,” a voice comes out of the speakers.

You slide into your seat that is next to the aisle. “Row 32, Seat A?” Marcus reads off his ticket. 

A smile comes to your face as you realize that you’d be spending your long flight talking to him. “Do you know where this seat is?” he asks you looking confused.

“It’s this one,” you laugh as you point next to you.

“Lucky me,” he flashes you another dazzling smile.

“And yes, I do watch your videos. You’re really funny!” you compliment him.

For the rest of the flight you two talk about filming, youtube and what you’re going to do in Florida.

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