✧ :) ✧

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hardcore angst.

| 3rd Person POV |

Long silence had came from many channels that knew such a great guy. His coworkers, more like friends, and their channels deserted for the past few weeks.

Not a single noise had come from many, neither their social medias. A single tweet, someone took the responsibility for, then retweeted by many. Aleks was the first to break the silence.

"Hey guys, Aleks here." He muttered towards the camera. "You guys know what this is about."

Aleks's tired eyes looked into the lenses. The dark, blue bags under them being an accessory. He wore a black shirt, black pants as well being barely visible in the bottom of the video. Aleks looked like an absolute wreck.

Disappointment and disparity set into his expression. He bit the inside of his cheek, cutting off a small sob.

He ran his fingers through his unkempt , long hair. "So uh, most of you know this, waiting for me to make... this video."

Aleks constantly stopped during his sentences. His voice would crack and break into a cry if he kept at it for a while.

"I'm here to talk about how my best friend, died." Aleks explained. His voice choked as he said the last word.

Tears slipped off his face, noted by Aleks, but he didn't bother wiping them. He knew he would cry, he knew people wouldn't care. Hell, they would probably be crying too.

He took a deep breath, trying to contain his posture a little calmer. "I was there, in the same car."

Aleks opened his mouth to say more, but shut it quickly. Small flashbacks in his mind about the last few moments in the car.

Aleks had been driving them. A deep sense of guilt built in his stomach, thinking back at it. He knows, deep down it wasn't his fault, but that didn't give him a reason to forgive himself. James, Aron, and Aleks had just been fucking around, making jokes.

"I did get a little scratched up, but not as bad as, you know." he left off James's name, it stung every time he heard, said, and thought about it.

"You know, James," he flinched at the pain, "he was such a great guy. Through his videos, conventions, and even just friendship, he had such a good aura around him."

A visible smile was plastered on Aleks's face, remembering the good times. Reliving then fun times, when everything was ok.

The smile broke and turned into a frown as he tried to not sulk in front of the camera anymore. Another deep breath, another tissue to wipe the tears away.

"Though, I want to say I loved him, so much. He was a giant influence on my life, for the better. He made me who I am, and James was the best thing that's happened in my life."

Aleks broke down. Again with the sobbing, yells of anger, remembering that James isn't here anymore. He'll never know how much Aleks appreciated him, loved him.

Aleks crawled back in bed after turning off the camera. Unintelligible words of sadness and anger at the world for letting this happen were yelled into his pillow until his voice was hoarse.

Eventually, exhaustion got to him, leaving Aleks a mumbling, broken down mess in a pool of tears.

After half an hour, he decided to finish the video. He made a compilation that took little effort, which was used to try not to cry again. Aleks had cut off his own video until the part where he started crying.

In the end of the compilation, the videos put together, faded to a black screen, along with James's laughter dying off.

A message spread across the screen. It read "R.I.P James Wilson, the biggest angel in earth, now back where he belongs."


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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