chapter 1:

17 5 1

I ran down stairs to be greeted by Adam "took long enough." he said in a joking way

" whatever lets go were going to be late." with that we walked outside and we made it to his car before one of his "fans" stopped us.

" can I have a ride Adam." she said with her little sweet voice

I cut in before he could answer "no you can't because I told you, so go before I beat your pretty face in."

she made a huff sound and winked to Adam and left

" you could of been at least a little nice to her."

" actually no I couldn't because I hate your stupid "fan" girls there annoying sh##s like your step brother."

" well ok lets go then." I love when he doesn't argue back it makes my day. we started to drive off then, I forgot my dang binder.

" stop I forgot my binder."

"when do you even use that dumb thing."  he was right but I needed today

" I have my homework in it and if I don't turn it in today I going to get a big chunk taken out of my grade."

he sighed and started to drive again then he did a U-turn, I jumped out of the car and ran inside I was trying to hurry because I didn't want my "mother" to see me. the only reason why I didn't want her to see me is because she would scream and yell at me for leaving something behind

I ran back outside and jumped inside the car and he took off. we finally made it to the school and we still had like 50 minutes before class, I know your propyl thinking why do you get to school early it because we don't like to be late so we come really early.

" so what do you want to do today we can stay in the car or walk around." Adam said

" I guess we can stay inside your car I don't feel like walking around." he shook his head and turn the radio on

Adam is one of the best singers I know, I bet if he tried out for one of those singing shows he would take it all.

he put one of our CD in and started to play it, we listen to the songs for like 30 minutes then he turned off his car and we got out.

we started to walk around campus everybody starts to show up at like 7:50 cause school starts at 8:10.

Adam and me have a few classes together just about 3 the rest is just plain boring without him. Ya I have other friends but all of they are boring compare to him.

first period took forever to get over with when it finally end I picked up my bag and everything dropped out of it every laugh like always, when I was picking everything up Jackson came over to me

"do you need some help?"

" no now leave me alone I got it."

" no you don't let me help."  with that he bent down and started to help

" I told you I got it now leave, you will be late for your next class."

" whoa mom clam down."

" just shut up and leave me alone I said I don't need your help now LEAVE."

" missy I am not afraid of you I just trying to help my brother best friend."

" your not his brother and you will never be."  with that I put my bag on my shoulder and walk out.

________________________________JACKSON POV ________________________________

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