Chapter 1

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All he could hear was screaming. Jack shot straight up in bed. It was just a dream. They had been happening a lot lately. His parents assumed that it was just because of his love of horror, but he wasn't so convinced. Jack looked at his clock. 6:47. His alarm was going to go off at 7:00 so he decided to just get up. He got ready and went downstairs. Nobody was up yet, as usual, so Jack made his breakfast and went to watch T.V. As soon as he sat down, Cheesecake, the family cat, jumped on the back of the couch and nudged him with her face. "Good morning to you too." he said as he smiled. Jack turned on the T.V. There was nothing on. "Of course there's nothing on." he thought. "It's only ten after seven in the morning!" He watched the least boring thing on and went to catch the bus. No one really went on his bus, as he lived far out of town. Jack sat in the same seat as always. He thought about sitting somewhere else, just to change it up, but never got around to it.

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