Chapter 2

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When he got to school, he saw Toby waiting by the large double doors. Toby always waited for Jack before going in, despite the cold and how much earlier he got there. Jack got off the bus and walked over. Toby was pacing furiously, not that he was mad or anything. Toby was quite easy going, actually. He's just the sugar hyped, can't sit still, A.D.H.D. kinda guy. He can also be a bit of a smart-ass. "Hey." Jack called. "'Bout time you showed up!" he responded, heading inside. "It's freezing out 'ere!" "It's not like you have to wait for me." Jack pointed out. "True, but yer all I got!" Toby said with a smirk. He was right, though. Even considering they're polar opposites, Toby being how he is and Jack being the less outgoing, more depressed of the two, they got along very well and didn't really hang out with anyone else. The two headed inside and walked to homeroom. It lagged on for a while. The boys where separated for the next two periods and joined back up at lunch. Toby, of course, forgot his lunch on his kitchen counter, so he stole some of Jack's. Toby tends to forget school supplies, as he usually sleeps in and has to rush in the morning. Suddenly, the bell rang. It scared Jack and he jumped. Toby snickered. The two went off to fourth period together. Art. It was the only class Jack relatively liked. It was made even more amusing with Toby being there. Mr. Jones, the art teacher and guidance councillor, was the best. Always going along with Toby's antics. Last period was history. Jack liked the subject but the teacher made it very boring.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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