Chapter 2

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As we got to the house I ran up the steps with my little sister following behind me.

"Are we really doing this? Are we actually going to leave?!" Braylen asked energetically.

"I guess so. Come on we have to move fast so we can get on the road." I said to her. She ran into the bedroom next to mine to pack all of her belongings. I went into my closet. "Holy shit." I didn't realize I had that much clothes in my closet. I took them off the hangers and threw them onto my bed. I started to fold things as fast as I could. Jeans, shirts, bras, underwear, etc. I took out my extra big bags for the rest of my clothes in the drawers. Now I have to do all of my items. I ran down the steps and got extra bags. damn we had a lot of bags. I ran back up the steps. I took my makeup, Jewelry, etc. and stuck it all in this one big bag. I picked up all five of my bags and walked out of my bedroom.

"Braylen! You ready?!" I yelled as I was walking down the steps. She popped her head out the corner.

"Yeah hold on!" She yelled back.

I walked out the front door and sat in the rocking chair. 'God, I hope I don't run into any shit where we are going.' I thought to myself. I looked up as my mom pulled into the driveway. She got out of the car and walked across the sidewalk to where I was sitting.

"Where's your sister?" She asked.

"She's still packing." I replied.

"Well, come look at this." Mom said. I followed her to the car. She pulled up the trunk and got three suit cases out. she opened one of them.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I was shocked by all of the money that was sitting in front of my face.

"Now granted, this isn't all of his. I took all of my money out of the bank. My savings and checking account mixed with his saving and checking account. so there is about 800,000 sitting here or more." Mom explained. Mom is a savage.

"Good god. this should last us awhile." I said

"Well, this is just until I get a job." She said.

"I'm ready lets go!" yelled my little sister from the front porch. Mom shut the money in the back of the car and ran into the house to pack her things.

"I can' believe this is actually happening. You already know I hate it here. Brinley, you know I've heard there are a lot of fine people in Cali?" Braylen said while smiling at me as we stood behind my moms car.

"Yeah what ever. I'm not going to date again. I'm focusing on my school work and that's that." I said.

"That is a lie and you know it. If there is a guy that is interested in me then I'm going for it" She explained.

"Yeah, ok. come on go get in the car I'll go check on mom." I said to her. I walked to the house then opened the front door.

"Mom you ready!" I yelled as she came running down the steps.

"Yes, yes, yes! Lets go!" she exclaimed as she slipped her shoes on really fast and ran out the front door. I grabbed all of my bags and put them in the trunk of my car.

"Just put this address in the GPS on your phone." She handed me a little piece of paper with an address written on it.

"Follow my car so we can try to stay together!" My mom yelled as she got in her 2007 black Trail Blazer.

I walked around to the other side of the car and got in the drivers seat.

"we going to go?" Braylen said as she scrolled through her phone.

"Yes, put this in the GPS on your phone so we can get there." I said handing her the little piece of paper. My mom pulled out and took a right to leave our street.

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