1$ Control That Damn Fox

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'1$ Control that damn fox'

"Kira, we are leaving in a couple of hours to head for Brooklyn, New York. There are people who can help you there." Kira's mother, Noshiko, says wisely to her 18 year old daughter.

"Mom, I don't want to go! All my friends live here and only here! Not to mention I actually have a boyfriend!"


"Can I at least say goodbye?" Kira asks, knowing she wouldn't win this argument.

"Of course, but make it quick we leave for our flight soon."

"Thanks so much, mom."

Noshiko nods at her daughter and swiftly turns then walks away.

Kira couldn't help but feel as if she was useless to the pack.

Dread doctors, Chimeras and now a werewolf from the 1700s?

With Kira going all over the globe, she felt lonely.

She had wished that someone else who knew how to cure her fox, would be right in front of her working on it.

Kira was just lost.
All alone. By herself.

She hated it. This is why she must get help. These people in New York could help her, to limits she probably couldn't even comprehend!

Kira, with the new spark of hope and confidence, jumped off her bed and rushed to slip her feet into her boots.

After she put on her fashionably expensive boots that Lydia bought her, she scrambled right out the door before even her dad could stop her.

Not knowing who to visit first and say farewell, she saw that when she pulled the contact app up on her phone, Liam was the first one.

Since her and Liam weren't as close as she wanted them to be, she let it go and skipped him.

Next in line was Lydia.

She couldn't visit Lydia.
Apparently Lydia is missing at the moment.

So she visited the only person available.


She drove in an awkward, yet warily space context.

She felt highly uncomfortable. Way too uncomfortable, and way too uncertain about this trip. Pulling up outside Scott's house, She sees Theo's truck and Stiles' jeep.

Knowing she came at a bad time she left, feeling her heart shatter, knowing she couldn't, and wasn't able to say a sincere goodbye to neither of all her friends.

Kira sighs.

"This will be one hell of a trip."

Hey guys! Here is the first chapter! Next chapter she will be in New York.

Have a nice day/Night

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