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I love people's eyes.

I've heard the saying "Eyes are the gateway to the soul" many times, yet I never really understood what it meant.

until I started watching people's eyes.

Some people hold sorrow in their eyes. You can see all that bottled up sadness behind their pupils that's threatening to spill. You can see how much they're holding in. You can see all the pain they've been through, or the pain that they're currently going through.

Some people hold joy. Whatever their doing, they're living it, because their eyes are smiling. They glow with happiness and shimmer with love. That cliché sparkle? It's there. It's there and it's bright enough to make you question what you're doing at the moment and wonder: why aren't I that happy?

Some people hold the future. You can see all the amazing things they're going to do and the pride they have in themselves for who they are. You can see all the wonder and amazement in those two beautiful eyes.

There are many physical characteristics about people that always get criticized no matter the person: legs, arms, stomach, face, nose, ears, jaw, teeth, and etcetera. But no one ever really says "Your eyes are ugly." You hear all the lovely things about people's eyes, and that's why I love them.

Some people have the most gorgeous blue eyes ever. Bright blue eyes that swim with youth and excitement. Pale, cool eyes that are soft yet tough at the same time. Dark, mysterious eyes that remind you of a midnight sky: full of stars and full of dreams.

Some people have brown eyes. Although brown is considered normal and boring, It's just as beautiful as any other color. Light, caramel eyes that remind you of honey and cinnamon and chestnuts and pumpkins and all things sweet. Deep, puppy-dog eyes that hold the innocence of a child yet don't be fooled: they're smarter than you think. Rich, chocolate eyes that sparkle in the sun and glimmer with life.

Some people have hazel eyes. Hazel eyes are one of a kind. Splatters of multiple shades of blue and brown and grey and green swirled together to form a shade so elegant and so wild. Hazel eyes want freedom, they want to see the world and all of its beauty.

Green eyes are a treasure. I've read somewhere that only 2% of our population have green eyes, so if you find a pair, grab on tight and don't let go. Subtle, pear colored eyes that remind you of a warm inviting hug. Mystic, clandestine eyes that hold truth and knowledge of many things. Somber, forest green eyes that match an emerald, shine with royalty and pride.

Eyes are truly one of our greatest features.

-h   5/18/16 10:58 pm

sorry for the lack of updates, I haven't had a lot of inspiration lately :|

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