Chapter Twenty Three

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John stared wide eyed at the scene, his mouth slightly hanging open as he watched his son and the rogue kiss. This wasn't just a kiss of lust, or a peck of reassurance. It was a kiss of love.

"What in damnation is this?!" The king roared making the two jump apart.

Riley whimpered as he saw the anger blazing within the mans eyes, he srank back into Theo's hold, clutching the mans shirt in his fist. Theo stood tall wrapping his arm around his mate and pulling him closer.

"Guards!" The king roared, his fists clenched by his sides, his eyes glowing with rage.

"Theo." Riley whimpered in fear, burying his head into the mans chest.

The pounding of feet thundering down the hallway made Riley clutch Theo closer, his eyes watering out of fear. Soon the guards all stood behind their king, ready for there next command.

"Riley get away from him.Now!" The king demanded, his eyebrows knitted together in anger.

"No." Riley whimpered softly, but the king still heard his the two letterd word leave his lips.

"Riley! Get away from that disgusting mutt!" The king yelled, the veins in his neck bulging out.

Riley only whimpered and his his face further into Theo's chest, his eyed clenched shut.

"Guards get that mutt away from my son and take him to the cells!" John ordered pointing toward Theo.

"No! You can't!" Riley screamed tears falling down his face as he turned around.

"Why not? I'm the king! You are the prince! You don't need to be near this mutt!" John yelled at Riley only making his sons tears fall faster.

"He's my mate! You can't take him!" Riley yelled back, a sob falling from his lips soon after.

The king froze at his words his eyes widening in shock. Theo and Riley watched his face slowly turn onto disgust, both of their fears coming true.

"Guards take my son to his room and keep him there. Take the rogue to the cells, tell the executioner that he'll have a new victim soon." The king said storming off down the hall leaving the two mates that clutched each other close in shock.

Once the king was out of the way the guard marched down the hall, Theo pushing Riley behind him. The first guard to get close enough to them was given a blow to the face.

Theo stared at all the guards a determined look in his eyes. He wasn't going down without a fight. He was going to protect Riley with his dying breath.

Growling the guard that had taken the blown to the face charged, the others I'm his troop following him.

Hands wrapped around both of the mate's arms pulling them away from each other.

"Theo!" Riley screamed as he kicked and struggled to get free.

"Riley its going to be okay, its going to be okay." Theo said, staring his crying mate in the eyes as he tried to pull his arms free.

Riley sobbed as more guards took ahold of him and prevented him of trying to get free.

"Let go! Theo!" Riley cried as he saw the rogue being pulled away disappearing around the corner.

Riley cried and struggled in the guards arms as he was pulled down the hall. He knew if he even tried to shift he would still be held in there strong arms. Riley screamed as he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, his world slowly fading away around him.


The king sat in his office, his hands covering his face as he tried to calm down. 

"SIre? " Flint asked as he walked into the office, sporting claw marks on his neck from the prince scratching him. 

"Is my son in his room?" John asked softly ask he then turned his gaze down to the papers on his desk.

"Yes, and there are guards at the door."Flint said softly." SIre do you think what you did was right?" Flint asked softly.

"Of course what I did was right. That rogue poisoned my sons mind into making him think they were mates. Riley is just confused, he'll realize once he finds his true mate that what the rogue told him was a lie." John said standing up." Now i'm going to see my son." he finished, straightening his clothes.

"He might not be awake sir, one of my troop members knocked him out because he was squirming and crying so much. " Flint said, the kings' words haunting him. "What if they are mates? " flint asked.

"Then they will not be together. Riley needs to have a heir to the throne, that couldn't possibly happen with another male. Now I'm done discussing this, tell me when he wakes i'm going to visit the rogue. " John said and left the room. 

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