Chapter Twenty Two

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Theo held the whimpering and shaking boy closer to his body, gently cooing into the omegas ear as he rubbed small circles on the boys back. Riley was upset, tears falling down his face as he clutched the back of Theo's night shirt, his face buried in the mans chest.

"T-theo I can't be king. I can't fight for myself how am I supposed to fight for a kingdom? Im a omega, I wasn't meant to lead. I was born to submit." Riley hiccuped.

"Look at me my little omega," Theo said gabbing the boys chin firmly." You can do this, once your king you can allow every same sex mates to be together. You can end the abuse omegas get every day, you can give the omegas hope. You can show them that they are stronger than they think, that they can be more than just an omega." Theo said, his eyes watching Riley's. " I will be by your side every step of the way." He finished pressing his lips to Riley's.

"You promise?" Riley asked as the rogue wiped his tear stained cheek.

"I promise." He said pressing their lips together once more.

Riley sighed into the kiss, his tense muscles relaxing as he melted into Theo.

"I love you." Riley said, nestling his head into the rogues nape.

"I love you too my little omega." Theo replied laying down on the bed and pulling his omega down with him. "Sleep, you have quite a day set for you tomorrow." The rogue sighed.

The mates laid together, the rogue gently rubbing the omegas has back until the boy fell asleep. Theo didn't want to leave, he wanted to hold the love of his life a bit longer.

He knew all of this was hard on his mate, the king was moving faster than Riley could keep up with. He could sense that the omegas emotions were all over the place from the king being his father and to him hiding their relationship. It was hurting Theo to, it only made it worse to see Riley suffering with everything around him and he couldn't help.

"Stay strong for us, for me Riley. Just a little bit longer." Theo whispered softly and kissed the omegas head.

Theo knew it was tough on Riley but no matter how hard Theo tried the king word only look at him like a filthy rogue that didn't deserve to be in his presence. The king was stubborn and only cared about himself, he couldn't see that his son was hurting.


Riley sat at the dinning room table, Theo sat next to him as the King sat in front of him. Papers ranging from different sizes were strewn all over, John pointing and reading everything important out loud.

"Okay Riley, I want you to read this. This is what you have to say when its time for you to take over." John said pointing at the paper.

Riley stared at the paper, his lip immediately being pulled in by his teeth as his eyes scanned over the letters.

"Read it, out loud." John said leaning back in his chair.

Riley's head snapped up, looking at John in uneasiness. He looked back down at the paper tears forming in his eyes as he looked at it.

"Read it Riley." John demanded, confused of why his son wouldn't comply to his wishes.

Riley stared at the paper tears falling down his cheeks, the words looked like gibberish to him. He couldn't understand what they said. He begged his mind to put the letters together and tell him what they said.

"Riley its not that hard." The king pushed.

The omegas cheeks tinted red with embarrassment and anger, his tears falling faster.

"Riley! Read the damned paper!" John said slamming his fist down into the table.

Theo stared at Riley, concern written on his face as he watched Riley's shoulders shake. The king and Theo both watched Riley in surprise as he slammed his hands down on the table and immediately stood up, his chair screeching across the marble floor. The omega sobbed as he ran from the room, his cries immediately reaching Theo's ears.

Theo was quick to get out of his chair and run after his mate, his senses filled with worry.

"Riley!" Theo called as he caught a glimpse if white hair rounding a corner.

Theo quickly caught up to his mate and wrapped his arms around the boys small frame. The omega thrashed in the rogues arms, tears falling down his cheeks as he begged Theo to let go.

"Shh Riley, what's wrong? Tell me what's wrong. I'm here." Theo cooed turning Riley around in his arms.

"I-i can't read." Riley sobbed.

"Its okay, its okay. We can teach you, dry your tears." Theo said with a soft smile and wiped the boys tears away.

Y-your not a-ashamed?" Riley asked softly.

"No, I could never be." Theo smiled.

Riley nodded, biting his lip as he looked up at Theo. Slowly he stood on his toes and pressed his lips to the rogues. Theo didnt hold back, he wrapped his arms around Riley and pulled him closer. They were to distracted by the kiss, the feel of each others lips, the taste of each others tongue to notice John standing at the end of the hallway.

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