Death By Obstacles

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Save me, save me, save me, SAVE ME!

Why!? Out of everyone in the sixth grade, he picks Jorge!? Why not Leslie, or Milky, or, or- whatever! Anyone, but him!

Screw, screw, screw this ____!

He climbs up hastily. I hang tightly onto the rope.

Oh lord, please watch over me, and please let Jorge bail.

I look down. Miguel is burning with anger. Is he jealous? Whoa, calm down Romeo!

I walk on the planks shakily.

I'm pretty sure you already noticed, but I'm scared of heights. And spiders, and centipedes. Anything that has more than six legs. Or four.

I grip the rope until my knuckles are white. I finally made it to the end, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You still have the tightrope to walk!" Called Mr. Matt.

"Gee, thanks!" I called out, sarcastically.

He laughed.

Jorge stared at me. His eyes were begging for help.

I look down at Miguel. He was shaking his head furiously. After what Jorge did to my heart, last semester, I couldn't forgive him.

So, what's the right thing to do?

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