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TWO; Pizza, Pancakes and a Shirtless Guy

Anastasia Vivian Carter;

At around ten-thirty that night there was a knock at my door. My heart pounded against my chest knowing that there was only one other person in the house. Harry. But I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore how my heart skipped a beat as I thought of him coming to see me.

You're an idiot for still feeling like that.

Several more knocks came as I continued to ignored him.

What could he possibly want?

I huffed out a big breath, shutting off my iPod as I got off of my bed and walked to the door. I grasped the handle and turned it in my hand, only opening the door enough so just my head was visible.

"What do you want harry?" I asked.

He blinked a few times, the bright light coming from my room making his green eyes look even lighter than they already were. "Uh, I ordered some pizza. I just wanted to let you know incase you were hungry."

I nodded slightly, "Alright I'll be down in a few." I told him, closing the door before he could say anything else.

Closing my eyes, I inhaled a deep breath as I put my back against the door for balance.

Why did his eyes have to be so pretty?

Shaking the though out of my head, I walked back to my bed for the pullover sweater I had tossed off earlier, and headed downstairs. Harry was sat on the three-seater couch, one leg bent up on the couch, his left arm resting on it, while the other was stretched out in front of him, a bowl of popcorn in between them.

I glanced at the tv where a scene from the movie The Hangover playing on the screen. "Seriously, how many times are you gonna watch this movie?" Harry whipped his head around.

"Good you came down." he smiled, ignoring my question.

Giving him a short lived tight lipped smile, I turned away from the living room and into the kitchen, the pizza box sitting on the island. I opened the box to see five slices left.

I hummed, satisfied with the amount and grabbed the box, ready to head back upstairs.

"You're taking the whole box?" Harry called out over the back of the couch.

"Yeah." I yelled back, climbing up the last few steps.

"There was five slices left, are you gonna eat them all?" Harry asked, showing up at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes I am."

"Well what if I wanted some more?" He countered.

"You aren't gonna be getting anymore. should've thought about that before you told me there was pizza."

When I woke up the next morning to the sun was blinding me through my sheer blue curtains, Siting up, the duvet fell from my shoulders onto my lap, covering my lower half as I rubbed at my eyes.

Throwing the blanket off of me, I slipped out of bed, almost tripping on my own feet in the process. As soon as I opened my door the smell of food traveled up my nose.

When my feet carried me into the kitchen I was met with Harry's half naked body as he stood in front of the stove. The muscles of his shoulders moved with him, and the divot of his spine made his back look all the more chiseled. You knew he worked out.

"Well fuck," the shriek left my mouth as I spun around, shaking my head while my eyes were shut tightly, trying to get his body out of my mind.

I could hear Harry put down the cooking utensil he was using as he let out a deep chuckle. "You good there Annie?" he inquired, still chuckling.

"Are you gonna stay like that or are you going to put something on?" I utter, disregarding his words.

"Yeah I'll go get some of my clothes." Harry agreed.

He came back a few moments later, finally letting me turn around. Harry then opened a cupboard and grabbed two plates, placing a few pancakes, some scrambled eggs, a few strips of bacon and a slice of toast on each plate.

He turned around and handed it to me, his eyes going from the plate to my eyes. Harry looked away when he knew I had a good grip on the plate, turning back to grab a fork and butter knife for himself. I did the same, then took a few strides to the kitchen table.

Harry set his food down at the place directly in front of me, before walking back the the pantry. I watched as he swung the door open, gazing at each shelf before his eyes landed on the very top one. He outstretched his arm above his head, the material of his light blue hoodie tightening around his back muscles and bicep. His black sweatpants hung low on his hips, revealing the white band of underwear just above his butt.

Holy fuck.

He sat down after he grabbed what he wanted and shut the pantry door. Harry poured syrup onto his pancakes, the syrup traveling off towards the bacon and being soaked up by the pancakes.

"You want some?" he questioned, placing the bottle in front of me, sticking his thumb into his mouth to lick off some syrup. He licked the syrup off slowly, his eyes closed for a second before he popped is thumb out of his mouth, his tongue darting to the corner of his mouth to lick the rest.

Oh. My. Fuck.

I only nodded not saying anything, grabbing it and pouring a little on my food.

"Uh," I started. "I don't want to be rude but, why are you still here?" my inquiry made him put his utensils down as he chewed his bite of food.

"I've been waiting for your sister to get back." he declared.

My eyebrows furrows as I looked at him confused, "She didn't come home last night?"

He shook his head, shoving another forkful into his mouth, "She didn't call, or even text to say what was going on." he pointed out.

I stared at my untouched food, wondering why she wouldn't have called or texted him.

But just then, as I looked back up at Harry who was playing with his food, did the realization hit me like a truck going one-twenty on the highway.

She was with another guy.


Edited and revamped as of March 5th 2019


i am sosososo sorry for how long it took me to update, they will become more frequent though, don't worry ;)

this chapter had a lot more dialogue than i would have liked, and it's not as long as i wanted it to be, but it's just a filler chapter

hope you enjoyed it! :)


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