2. You Again

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Maria's POV.

There are many negative and positive aspects in having a gay brother. Negatives being he will physically force you into clothes that he will personally choose for you. But I must say, he has a good sense in fashion...so he's in his element right now. Except when he works with my sister, the clothing becomes tighter than a small hair lackey around your wrist; extenuating every single curve and bump in my body. This is not my style.

After ten long minutes of me struggling to pull on these awfully tight clothes, we leave the house and drive to school.

When we pull into the car park I only just realize how big the school is, its two stories, and very wide, there is a huge carpark out the front, 5 fields to the left of the building and a large track and field area to the right. We suddenly pull into a car space and I exit the car with my older siblings.

I follow them into the school, "Wowww" I stated dragging out the 'w'. The building was even bigger inside. 

"Ash, over here," someone in the distance called out. Ash then walked over to his mates and shook their hands but he hugged his boyfriend, Ethan.

"They are so cute", Jules squealed in my ear. I silently nodded in agreement.

Jules and I kept walking. I was talking mindlessly to her and didn't even notice that she had gone off and both my siblings were no where in sight.

The school hallway was unfamiliar "Fruit Balls!" I muttered under my breath. I should have known better. I could have just gotten one of them to take me to the office to get my time table. But no, I had to be Maria and be talkative. I felt the tears swelling in my eyes, it's the first day of school and I've already screwed up. I clear my head, wiping the tears away and began walking down the hall in search to find the office.


45 minutes later, I find myself rushing down the hall trying to find room D69 for Advanced Chemistry. I finally find the room and I raise my shaky hand to knock on the door.

"Are you going to knock on the door or what?" A voice comes from behind me, I turn around startled to see a scowling boy staring down at me. "No? Okay I'll get it then" he says stepping forward and knocking on the door. "By the way I am Tom. What's your name cutie?"

Oh my god he called me cute. I need to tell my friends about this. Wait I don't have any friends anymore. "My n-n-name is M-m-ma-ria, Yeah Maria. My name is Maria."

He opened his mouth to speak just when the door opens and the teacher calls us in.

I walk into the class behind Tom and as soon as I enter I feel all the eyes on me. Tom and the teacher begin to chatter in hushed voices. Once they finish they both look at me and the teacher tells us to find a seat. Tom walks to his seat as I look around for a seat for me to sit. Of course there is only one seat left, one up the back in the corner with a boy that has a bad boy aura about him. Great... note the fruit balling sarcasm.

As I walk to sit next to this boy I hear people whispering about me. I place my books down and he looks up at me with what I believe to be disbelief on his face. As I sit down, he turns back to his note book and mumbles something incoherently. I wonder if I should introduce myself?

"Miss Seetia, would you care to introduce your self to the class and your new Advanced Chemistry lab partner for the year, Dylan?" As Ms. Abets says this all of the students turn to look at me.

As I stand I notice Dylan look at me, "Uh, hi I am Maria Seetia and I am 17".

As I sit back down I look to Dylan and smile, while he just looks lost in thought.

Once Ms. Abets has started the lesson once again, I hear Dylan mumble quietly, "Maria, I like it".

Wait, "what?" I ask quietly, confused. Did I hear him right? I couldn't have.

"I uh... I said uh Mauritius, I like it there?" he states, well questions himself.

"Oh okay, what ever you say." Dylan glares at me and I return my focus to Ms. Abets' lesson.

As soon as the bell went indicating recess, Dylan shot out of his chair and out the door before I could even say bye. Well that was weird. Oh well I guess I can just ask another time. As I walk out of the class room I thank the teacher and go back to my locker.

I look down the hall to see which way I have to go to get to the cafeteria. I follow some of the other students down the hall and I manage to get to the cafeteria. As I walk in, I notice most of the other students are already seated and eating their food. I walk to the back of the queue and wait until I am served.

After I have bought my food, an apple and a caramel slice, I start on my trek to find my Art classroom. Just as I turn the corner I get ran into. As I look up to see who ran into me I hear, "It's you again."

Uploaded - Thursday 19th May 2016

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