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Sens the car crash my friend has not Ben the same his sister did. He is like my little brother I need to help him

Time skip (a year)

           It has Ben a year sens he went missing. He was like the little brother. Toby wear are you? You wear at the ordinate they toll you some one was hear to adopt you. So you paled your bags and saw who your wear about to adopt you. "Hi I'm Jone" OK l'm (y/n)." you saw a boy with him "who is that" you sead. "this is Ben" sead the slender man you. rold your eias then got your bags. ther car was big and smelled.

                         you wer driving in the wood and it hepend the Chang. your wer in the car with Ben drown and slender man now you wer skeard. it was a long car ride or at lease to you. you wer in a car full of creepy pastas so ya you wer scared. you made it finily you wer a little more solosh and happy your wer not killed. the real test is to come with Jeff the killer. "wer hear" Ben sead "will you help me with my bags?" you asked more confident. you walk inside "ticci Toby" slender man yield "will you help (y/n) to your rome to get seadly" OK " Toby sead. you saw a boy with brown hear and a mask over his mouth he look filmier. you shake off the tout and fallode him up the stars. the memory played over and over in your head you had seen the crash. " are you OK? " Toby ask " ya " you sead " hear is are room " thanks. May I ask you sum thing " yes" are you a killer " yes " then he walked out and you went to sleep ( pun about Jeff it will make sens later )

🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 dream land 

Hi Rachel       I'm not Rachel      well find her   No way   Do as I say or you'll die   O o k 

No more dream land 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤😴😴😴😴😴

I wake up in cold swett it was just a dream you herd Toby call you dounw so you get up and go dounw for breakfast but it was early so know one know your hear "do you want to meat new people "do I have to " yes"fine" you hide after you hear foot steps Toby could tell your scared so he told you it was ok so he Gos to look who it is and kame back with sum  boy with a mask and sead "masky this is (y/n) she is pritty new hear so ya yn come hear " ok" 


I did  not like the last ending so I Chaneg it can not spell 


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