Part Two; The Reason

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Part Two.

I stood on the edge of the bridge, lettign the tears fall. I looked down at the water, thinking of my body plunging into into the rocky water, ending my life. I was ready for it. I really wanted to do this. When I got out of school today, I came here.

"I have no friends," I thought aloud "No parents, No goals, no nothing.  I have absolutely no reason for me  to stop what I'm about to do." I sobbed, hugging my sides and taking a step off the bridge. My eyes shut together, I could see nothign but darkness.

My freefall was suddenly stopped by someone grabbing my shirt. "Then let me do it for you." the deep english accent said, pulling me away from teh edge. Tears were coming form my eyes, giving me a blurry vision, I didn't know who this guy is, but I cried into his chest anyways. His calming voice shooshed me as I sobbed into his black v-neck.

I finally regained myself and looked up to meet a pair of charming green eyes. "Harry. W-Why are you here?" I asked. His lips curled into a smile.

"I should be askign you the same thing, love." His eyes brimmed with tears, making his color to shimmer.  "Suicide is never the answer. No matter whats happening that you can't control, ending it completely will only make it worse. I barely know you, but I know that I would never forgive myself for lettign this happen. Kinley, I know its hard, but killing yourself is never the solution." Harry kept his grip on my shoulders as he looked down at me. "Don't give up, Kinley." He said, striding away.


The walk home was absolutely horrible. I feel dumb and stupid because I actaully tried to do that. Why would I ever actaully attempt? Why would I choose to give up? And most importantly, Why did Harry stop me?

When I walked into the door, I was immideately stopped by Mom. "Kinley, where were you? We were looking for you!" She said as she pulled me to the living room. "We?" I questioned. As soon as I was in the living room, the cheery face of  my best friend come to veiw. He moved away a few years ago and failed to contact me, leaving me missing him. 

"Louis!!" I scream, running to him, wrapping him in a tight hug. He hugged back then patted my hair. "I missed you Kinley." he whispered, sending shivers down my spine. 

"I missed you too, Lou. Why didn't you call?" when I said that, he rolled his eyes. Then chuckled. 

"I lost your number, babe. " I laughed so hard, tears came out of my eyes/ It felt good to laugh. To smile and giggle, to be with Louis and not crying. Its felt absolutely wonderful.

"Wheres your dad? I miss him."  He said with a small smile. 


He bottom lip quivered. "Kinley, whats wrong?" She closed her eyes, and hugged me tighter, sobbing. "H-He died, L-Lou. Someone K-Killed him" she manged to cry out before falling on her knees crying. I knelt down to her level and rubbed her back, trying to calm her. 

"He was a great man. I am very sorry I wasn't there for you, Kinley. I missed you like crazy." I gulped. "Lets get back to laughing, shall we?" I said with a goofy grin, tickling her. The sweet ring of her laugh poured into my ears. I missed this girl so much. 

After I moved, my mom gave me this huge talk abotu how shes not a good influence and that I shouldn't be friends with her anymore. Then, grounded me from speaking to her. I don't even know why. Kinley is a beautiful, innocent, amazing girl that deserves a good friend, which I know she doesn't have many. "Louis, stop!!" She screamed, still laughing.

"I missed you too much to stop!" I hollared back, tickiling her sides more. She held her stomach and laughed. I finally stopped when I realized the position we were in. She had her head on my lap, looking into my deep blue eyes, while I had my arsm wrapped around her hips. We started to lean in, both of us. "Kinley I-" but she cut me off.

"Don't talk, just kiss me." Kinley's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink when she said this. I did as I was told and plant a soft kiss of her perfect lips. 

"Kinley!" We both turn to the door, someone was harshly kncoking on it. "Kinley! Please let me inside! Please. " Kinley jumped from my lap and ran to the door. 

"You have to say it." a deep voice said.

"S-Say what?" she trembled.

"Come in." 

"Okay, come inside." she whispered, returning with a curly haired fella wearing a dark grey cloak. He looked so familiar, I just couldn't figure out why. He looked at though someone took razors to his face, he was so scratched up. I'm assuming this  guy got in a fight with barbed wire or something.  "Louis, this is my.... freind, Harry." Kinley softly spoke, looking down. Harry. Thats how I know him. 

"Louis? As in Tomlinson?" He asked, and then I nodded. "I-I need to go. Thank you for helping me, love." Harry suddenly said, turning on his heels and walking away.  I'm glad he left, or else I would have killed him myself, as I was told to do 1 year ago. A lot of questions ran through my mind, but one thing is for sure, 

Kinley could not know the truth about Harry. 

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