My life with o2l

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"MADI WAKE UP!" Connor yelled
I jolted up from my bed "IM UP"
I glared at him and looked over at my phone it was already 1:30 and today was the day i was moving to California.

i looked at Connor with wide eyes and he ran out of the room with me chasing after him i finally tackled him and yelled "why didn't you wake me up sooner our flight leaves in a hour!!!" I got off him and my phone buzzed it was from my best friend sam

Sammy♡- hey bby

Me-hey honey boo boo♡

Sammy♡- what time does your flight get in so my and Kiki can pick you up?!?!?

Me- i think its like 9:00 your time

(Keep in mind i don't know the time difference between minisota and California)

Sammy♡- kk see you then!! i luv you

Me- bye luff you too! ;)

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some toast and Nutella and made a smoothie i quickly finished that and ran down the hall to the bathroom and took a shower.

i sang a long to all time low as i dried my long blonde hair and curled it. I walked back to my room and put on my dark wash skinny jeans and and Sam's red obey sweat shirt that he left here and my favorite grey beanie.

30 minuets before our flight i was already all packed i didn't need any furniture because they already had everything i would need.

I ran down the hall to the front room with 2 of my bags where i saw Connor sitting on the couch on his phone probably on twitter i decided to surprise him by yelling "CON DA BON!" He jumped up and just glared at me and looked back at his phone.

"Connor i need help!" I said hitting him on the arm he stood up and we walked to my old room and grab my other 3 bags and loaded them in his car.

@ the airport: (I've never been to an airpot so if i get something wrong sorry)

"Flight 182 to California is now boarding" the lady said over the intercom me and Connor rushed to the gate and went through security and boarded the plain we took our seats and i ended up in between Connor and a really cute boy. I yelled at Connor and said "LA HERE WE COME!!!"
The boy next to me said
"Oh I'm going to la to!" i simply replied with "cool"
"Hi I'm eliot by the way"
"Im Madi!" I smiled and shook his hand we talked for almost the whole flight until i got tired and slipped my headphones on and listened to one direction
I eventually drifted off to sleep when all of the sudden i felt two hand shaking me "WERE HERE!!!!!" Connor yelled
Yes finally.... I thought to my self.

So this is my first story and i don't know if I'm a very good writer

Sorry that my punctuation sucks!

And honestly i don't know a lot about the o2l crew so.... yeah


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