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An: IM DOING A SEQUEL!!!!! next week is probably going to be the last chapter :( after that the next update will be all the information about the sequel so STAY TUNED :)



I pulled up my sleeves and moved my bracelets so he could see...

There was an awkward silence until i noticed he was crying. neither of us said anything until i felt his salty tears falling on my not completely healed scars.

Madi: Babe it hurts...

Sam: I-I'm s-so sorr-sorry.

Madi: its not your fault

Sam: yes! yes it is... I'm the worst boyfriend ever...

Madi: don't ever say that! you know thats not true

At this point me and Sam were hugging each other and now we were both crying.

Madi: you are the best boyfriend ever and that is the one thing i will never second guess.

Sam: i'm so so sorry i should have never said anything, I should have just let it go. just because i was stupid and jealous you relapsed and harmed that beautiful body... all because of me.

Madi: Sam it wasn't because we got in a fight...

Sam: then why, who did this to you?

Madi: thats the thing, no one did this to me because i did it to myself, it was my choice to focus on the negative instead of the positive, it was my choice to let the voices back in my head, and it was my choice to harm myself...

Sam: but why? what happened?

Madi: its not a big deal, can we just change the subject.

Sam: its a huge deal!! you relapsed!! how am i supposed to leave you everyday not knowing if you're going to attempt suicide again!?!?

Madi: please don't yell at me... not now...

Sam: i'm sorry I'm just really worried, will you please tell me why

Madi: i cant...

Sam: why not? don't you trust me?

Madi: of course i trust you... but if i tell you you'll get mad and do something you'll regret...

Sam: Madi, i need to know

Madi: that tweet... the people who replied... they were right... I am a whore, and a slut, I am ugly and fat, you could do so much better than me, and i am worthless...

Sam: Madi, you are none of those things and there is no one better than you, but most of all you are not worthless...

Madi: but i am, i don't do anything right and i cant do anything

Just as Sam was about to reply Emma walked through the door.

Emma: shit I'm going to be late for my flight!!!

Madi: oh my god i almost forgot, Sam ill see you when i get back, bye

Sam: bye

I gave Sam a kiss, grabbed my keys and jacket, and walked out the door.

*at the airport*

"Flight 985, from Minnesota is now landing," the intercom clicked off.

Madi: I don't want you to leave

Emma: don't worry i'll see you soon

Madi: But soon isn't soon enough...

Emma: Madi? is that your dad?

I turned around and looked in the direction she was pointing, and as a matter of fact it was my dad...

Madi: DAD!?!?? daddy what are you doing here?

"We need to go now its important!!" he yelled back while pulling my arm towards the exit.

"But Emma hasn't left yet" i wined

"Theres no time we need to go now!!" He shouted.

I wiggled out of his and ran to Emma to hug her.

Madi: bye, call me when you land

Emma: i promise.

We let go of each other and i ran back to my dad. We ran to the car and sped off.

*at the house*

Madi: Connor, dad's here!!!

"Daddy!!" Connor squealed as he came running down the stairs.

"We need to talk," he stated in a serious tone, which was weird because dads never serious, he's always joking around.

"Whats wrong?" Connor asked worriedly.

" It's your mom..." Dads voice cracked "she's in the hospital..."

"Why!?!" i asked demandingly as i felt my eyes start to tear up.

"There was an accident... She was driving home from work and a drunk driver hit her."

"Is she going to be ok?" Connor sniffed out.

"Thats why I'm here, you guys need to come home... she's in a coma" dad chocked out. "They don't know if she's going to make it..."

I looked at Connor and he had a blank expression on his face. I swear i could have punched him and he wouldn't have moved.

"I can't leave... i've just started to like it here, and i can't leave Sam again," I stated.

"You don't have a choice... you have two days to pack all your stuff and say your goodbyes i'm sorry."

"Fine!!" i yelled as i started crying and ran up stairs.

Connor's P.O.V

"Fine!!" Madi yelled as she ran upstairs crying.

"I'm going to go check on her" i said with no emotion as i walked up stairs.

Connor: Madi, its me, can i come in?

Madi: yeah...

Connor: you know its all going to be ok right?

Madi: thats the thing, I don't know anything anymore...


So thats it for this weeks chapter if you liked it VOTE

5 Votes = new chapter

And i will see all your beautiful faces.... Next saturday

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