Heartless ~ Prologue

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This fanfic may be triggering to some people. It contains course language, sexual content, and heavy topics such as rape, cutting, depression, bulimia and anorexia.

Readers discretion is advised.


The waves crashed up to the ground receding a damp line on the shore. The smell of salt wafted in the air. I leaned my head back against my old rocking chair and slowly sipped my green tea. The sand outside was damp from the previous nights rain. Seagulls squawked as they all scattered across the land in search of food. The air outside was a bit foggy tonight leaving a mist on the giant white four square windows of my living room. If you squinted hard enough you'd see the North Star shining bright among the starless night.

I took another sip letting the heat of the cup seep through my skin. The tears fell silently slipping down my pale cheeks dampening my creme sweater. I swallowed the lump in my throat and pulled my knees together. My fingers shook as I toyed with the end of my charm bracelet. The charms clinked together loudly, the sound descending down my walls and bouncing back. I took another drink but frowned unhappily when I noticed the lack of tea.

No tea meant nothing for me to hold. Nothing to hold meant nothing to keep my hands busy with which just made them shake harder as I quickly got up to turn the water on as I filled the kettle and but it on to boil. I sat back down, rocking nervously and chewing my nails. I looked out my windows again but saw a new addition to the seagulls. Two young boys, probably my age about 19-21 were setting up a little fire near the rocks.

The shorter of the two, grabbed 4 large logs and placed them in the shape of a pyramid and the taller lankier one poured a substance on the wood and lit it up immediately sparking a bright fire. The short guy grabbed a little rug from what seemed to be a basket and placed it on the floor. They both sat down and started roasting marshmallows enjoying the fire and the warmth of each other. I looked away feeling like I was intruding on a private moment made for just the two.

The shrill sound of the kettle alerted me before I could do anything else. I quickly ran to the kitchen and poured the hot water into a thermos. I grabbed my favourite mug and a ginger green tea bag into my cup and poured some of the water from the thermos into it. I set the thermos onto the dining room table and grabbed my tea to sit back down again.

I looked back out to see the two boys laughing loudly and throwing food at each other. The light from the fire cascaded shadows across their faces. I looked abit more closely squinting to see who it was. I couldn't place it but the face looked fairly recognizable. My eyes strained to see but before I could look any further the boys eyes snapped towards mine as if sensing my presence.

I immediately paled and my fingers shook and started to itch. I was caught. Would they be upset that I invaded their privacy? What right did I have to be sneaking into their personal lives like a snoop. I didn't get time to think because the guy shook the other guys shoulder and pointed to me. I was horrified. How embarrassing this all was. I could feel my gut turning from the humiliation I felt and tears pricked behind my eyes.

The young boy waves at me. Almost as if he was signalling me to come over. Oh no. How could I have let it get to this? "There you go again Ivory, screwing things up once again you stupid bitch" my subconscious mind taunts me. My heart is beating wildly as I contemplate whether to go over or not. I know that if I don't go, they will come over and i'll be in even more trouble. I grab my over worn black leather jacket and slip on my flats. I quickly the grab the keys off the tiny hooks on the wall and close the doors. I lock it and head down the stairs of my mini condominium.

When I get to the back exit I take a minute to calm my racing heart and ragged breaths. For once it's not because of my obesity, but fear. I smooth out my jacket and wipe at my red eyes. Then I head outside. I walk slowly to the the left until I see the mini campfire of the young boys. I look down again cheeks red from embarrassment as I ready myself for an apology and yelling on their behalf.

But when I look up I can't help but gasp. The boy I was trying so hard to recognize wasn't just a regular boy from my school but Harry Styles himself. And next to him, was his companion Louis Tomlinson. They wave me over and I try to move but my body is still numb in shock. I take a breath and realize just how foolish I must look to them and shyly walk over.

"Hey, how are you?" Harry asks. My mouth gapes as I try to fish my now empty brain for an answer. I don't want to make him angry so I quickly blurt "thirsty!" Which results in him and Louis throwing their heads back in laughter. I cannot believe I just said that. They probably thought I meant thirsty for them like some fame crazed fangirl. I flush in embarrassment. I look back down again and feel the stupid tears coming. They must have noticed my discomfort because Louis softly says "hey" and gets up to hug me and whispers "are you alright? I'm sorry of we hurt your feeling love. We didn't know you'd be uncomfortable." He slowly runs his hand up and down my back as I stay frozen and tense in his arms.

Harry comes over and hugs me too. Both of them like a cage around me. I feel myself slowly suffocating as I try to catch my breath. I shiver and step back feeling like ice. Concern and confusion fills both their faces. "Do you want to come sit with us? You look a little cold and we have a nice warm fire going on if you'd like to join." Harry offers. He must feel guilty for making me cry. It's not his fault I'm such a freak. They stare at me expecting an answer and I feel myself burn from their gaze. "Probably judging those fat hips of yours right now. Don't you wish you didn't eat that muffin this morning you fat cow." My mind taunts again. My throat burns and itches at the reminder and I feel like clawing it out till there's nothing left. "Uhh....i'd better go. It's really late and I don't want to keep you guys up." I say. 'Or be a burden' I think.

"Oh don't be silly we came here to stay late now didn't we haz?" Louis wiggles his eyebrows at Harry and they both share a chuckle. "But seriously... uhh...what's your name hun?" I have an internal battle with myself but decide that there no harm in telling them because I sure as hell won't be seeing them again and whisper "Ivory. My names Ivory." Louis continues, "Wonderful. Ivory you can stay with us because me and Harry were going to stay up anyways since we're camping out for the night and a little company would defiantly be nice." Harry grins wide before saying "Plus we have s'more and what kind of a person would you be to say no to s'mores?" I look between the two before letting out and long sigh and mumbling a quite "fine."

Looks like i'll be spending the night with them. And for the first time in a long time I couldn't help but let myself feel a little bit of excitement.


AN: hello guys :) if you liked the prologue of "Heartless" make sure you vote and comment. I'd love to know who enjoys the story so I can continue it. It gets darker as it goes on so please do not read if you are not okay with dark themes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2013 ⏰

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