I walk home staring at that paper. That C+ paper. A million thoughts in my head like a swarm of bees. Standing at my front door I process wether I should even go inside and face my family's reaction. I step into the living room which was adorned with pink roses everywhere. My favorite flower. They're obviously preparing to celebrate for mid terms and I can't seem to get the words out..."I got a C+". Their faces change the second those words leave my mouth. "A C+?". "Yeah mom. C+". I'm relieved. I felt a sense of normality. I felt not so perfect. Everything from then on was different. Just from that damn C+. School the next day was so much less boring. Everyone kept talking about not so perfect Ashlyn. Becca and I were walking home and stumbled upon the oddest thing on the sidewalk... A note. And it wasn't a regular note. "Is that?... Parchment paper?" Becca asks. "Sure as hell is". I picked it up slowly, as if it had some curse that was going to doom our existence. Well when I read it, maybe it wasn't leaving our existence in danger. But I think mine is... "What does it say?" Becca said.... Guess you're not so perfect now. Someone's got to shake things up for you. Lets play a game. You follow the steps I give you. If not. You die. You see there's no escape because I'm watching you everywhere you go. Good luck~C
Next to this lay a rose. A pink decoration rose. Like the ones from my house... From my house. Whoever this "C" guy is, he knows where I live, and he's trying something. Something bad... Becca and I stare at each other in absolute horror. How could someone like this be so corrupted? Why me? And how the hell did this person get inside my house and stalk me? Who is C? Why is he doing this to me? More questions spin in my head. The plain thought of someone stalking you and threatening your life. This game that I have to play. All the fear in my body. Nothing will go away; and whatever's going on right now, it's funny business. But let me tell you this. It sure as hell isn't funny...

HorrorAt 14 years old, Ashlyn Marie Parker is a normal high school freshman at Oregon academy; the state renowned private school academy for visual arts. She is an average student and older sister to 3 younger siblings and nothing in life has ever challen...