Chapter 2

345 15 18

Amnesia - 5SOS
Run to you - PTX

He closed his eyes almost as quickly as he had opened them, the lights too bright for his sensitive eyes. The faint smell of cleaning alcohol and hospital sheets wafted into his nose as his eyes finally adjusted to his surroundings. He was alone in a hospital room, the large window to his right providing the source of light, near which he saw a familiar person standing. This time though, he was absolutely sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. It was definitely Mitch.

          His brightly colored head shot up when he heard the faint rustling of the sheets. Once he was assured that Scott was truly awake, he took a few timid steps closer to the bed and stopped. "Scott?"

"Hey." He croaked out as he tried to get rid of the soreness and cricks he had all over his body from being still too long. "What happened? Where's... the other person?"

         "She's safe, thanks to you trying to be some kind of a superhero. She's badly bruised but she'll live. You on the other hand have broken your arm again since it hadn't healed 100% from the first time you hurt it. What were you even thinking, Scott?"

          Before he could reply, the door burst open and a hysterical blonde girl ran in. "Scott Richard Hoying, what the hell did you try to do!?"

"Uhm, save the world?" That earned him a hard smack to the shoulder of his broken arm. "OW! I'm in PAIN!'

          "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said, immediately regretting it. "But that was possibly the stupidest thing you have ever done. You could've been killed Scott!"

"I know, Kit. I know. It's just... the girl looked a lot like Mitch, and I couldn't just watch her get hurt. I had to do something!"

          "Oh, honey." Kirstie sighed. "She's just a fan who dresses and styles herself like Mitch." She stopped breathing when she heard what Scott said next.

"Oh. I'm just glad it wasn't really Mitch, and that he's safe. I don't know what I would do if it was really him who almost got killed." He only looked up at her again when she didn't say anything for a while, his heart sinking instantly when he saw that her expression was one of shock and deep concern.

          "Scott, what are you talking about?" she asked, confusion and panic evident in her soft voice.


         "Mitch- Mitch died Scott."

He felt the wind get knocked out of him at those words, even though he couldn't make head or tail of it. The silence that met her statement dragged on, the tension in the air so thick that Scott could almost feel it physically weighing him down even more.

"Wh- What do you mean?"

          "I mean that our friend Mitchell Grassi is no longer alive, Scott. He died the same day Alex did."

"What the hell are you talking about, Kirstie!? He wasn't even there with us on the day of the accident."

           "He was, Scott! He was in the backseat of the car with the two of you! Alex died at the scene and Mitch died on the way to the hospital!" She felt tears start flowing down her face, not really sure what was going on or why her body decided she needed to start crying.

"But he's been with me all along! We still live together and everything! I was just talking to him before you burst in, look!" He pointed desperately towards where he last saw Mitch standing by the windows, but his face immediately blanched when he realized his best friend was no longer there. He started shaking, and he could feel the beads of sweat form and roll down his temples as the fear and panic built up in him. "Kirstie, what the fuck is going on?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

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